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Friday, July 15, 2011

President Obama Marxist

Why President Obama Marxist Polices Will Make Deflation Worse.

By Delwyn Lounsbury  -  THE DEFLATION GURU

President Obama Marxist actions include growing government's size, raising taxes, bashing business, redistributing wealth, socialism and a fetish for using Czars to run the parts of his administration.

Karl Heinrich Marx (May 5, 1818 - March 14, 1883) wrote The Communist Manifesto.  In it he said socialism would replace capitalism in a stateless and classless society of pure communism and worker's state. 

"The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles." (The Communist Manifesto - Chapter 1)
Relatively unknown in his own lifetime, his influence grew with the Bolshevik takeover in the Russian revolution in 1917.  The strong arm tactics of Joseph Stalin, Lenin and subsequent Russian leaders continues.

President Obama Marxist principles are limiting private property rights, raising inheritance taxes and government control of individuals and companies.  When Obama says "investment" the meaning is government spending adding to the national debt with no hope of ever getting the money back.

President Obama Marxist and socialist Czars in his administration:  They do not require Congressional approval and there was little press coverage of their appointments or their history.  These new powerful positions are right out of the communist’s playbook.  If the American people knew President Obama had brought in so many leftist radicals they would be very upset.  Mainstream liberal media continues to look the other way.

1.  Afghanistan Czar:  Richard Holbrooke - pro abortion, pro legalization of drug use, anti second amendment.

2.  Aids Czar:  Jeffrey Crowley - Homosexual & gay rights activist and a believer in free health care for gays.

3.  Auto recovery Czar:  Ed Montgomery - Anti business black and a radical activist, ACORN board member, Communist DuBois Club.

4.  Boarder Czar:  Alan Bersin - Ultra liberal was boarder czar under Janet Reno and favors open boarder to illegal aliens.

5.  California Water Czar:  David J. Hayes Sr. - Radical "Progress Policy" member with no experience in water mgt.

6.  Car Czar:  Ron Bloom - Anti business & anti nuclear.  Sits on Chrysler's Board which is now Auto Union owned.  Why?

7.  Central Region Czar: Dennis Ross - Anti gun & pro abortion.

8.  Domestic Violence Czar:  Lynn Rosenthal - anti male feminist supported male castration.

9.  Drug Czar:  Gil Kerlikowske - anti gun, supports legal drugs.

10. Economic Czar:  Paul Volker - Former head of FED (a monopoly & cartel), member anti business "Progressive Policy" org.

11. Energy & Environment Czar:  Carol Brower - Political radical

12. Faith-Based Czar:  Joshua DuBois - Black political activist.

13. Great Lakes Czar:  Caneron Davis - Anti business, no experience and former ACORN board member.

14. Green Jobs Czar:  Van Jones (recently resigned) - Communist

15. Guantanamo Closure Czar:  Daniel Fried - Rights for foreign terrorist, believes U.S. caused the terrorism problem.

16. Health Czar:  Nancy-Ann DeParle - For health care rationing.

17. Information Czar:  Vivek Kundra - Monitors internet etc.

18. Intelligence Czar:  Todd Stern - Anti Business & he is for Cap & Trade, blames U.S. business for global warming.

19. Intelligence Czar:  Dennis Blair - Chair of ultra liberal pro one-world government "Council on Foreign Relations."

20. Mid east Peace Czar:  George Mitchell - Left wing, anti nuclear and anti gun.

21. Pay Czar:  Kenneth Feinberg - Worked for Ted Kennedy & got rich handling the 911 victim’s payoffs.

22. Regulatory Czar:  Cass Sunstein - Liberal & anti freedom.

23. Science Czar:  John Holdren - Anti business, has no scientific training.

24. Stimulus Accountability Czar:  Earl Devaney - anti gun, open boarder.

25. Sudan Czar:  J. Scott Gration - Wants more money for UN.

26. TARP Czar:  Herb Allison - Was bankrupt Fannie Mae CEO.

27. Terrorism Czar:  John Brennan - Anti CIA & anti military.

28. Technology Czar:  Aneesh Chopra - No tech training, pro health care rationing.

29. Weapons Czar:  Ashton Carter - Leftist, anti gun.

30. Weapons of Mass Destruction Policy Czar:  Gary Samore - Former communist.

Copyright 2011 by Delwyn Lounsbury
Use of this article allowed with attribution back to: 



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