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Friday, December 30, 2011

Current Affairs Articles - Indefinite Detention Bill Passes - Occupy Wall Street Your Fema Prison is Waiting - Article Search Engine

Current Affairs Articles - Indefinite Detention Bill Passes - Occupy Wall Street Your Fema Prison is Waiting - Article Search Engine

Current Affairs Articles - Indefinite Detention Bill Passes - Occupy Wall Street Your Fema Prison is Waiting - Article Search Engine

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Coming New Dark Ages - Biggest Story in the Universe.

By Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU

Beware the coming New Dark Ages! The Anglo financial power elite want to "DIRECT HISTORY" toward a one world government with a one world currency. Private money backed by gold and the "Internet Reformation" getting the word out about the coming New Dark Ages are the world's only hope. Only gold is not someone else's debt. Only gold is honest money. Rome had debased its own gold coinage which lead to the first Dark Ages. So ... The coming New Dark Ages is the biggest story in the whole world!

The internet reformation is similar to the "Reformation" & "Renaissance" 500 years ago brought on by the invention of the Gutenberg printing press. The Gutenberg press allowed affordable Bibles (and other books) to be printed in the common man's language instead of Latin and Greek. The Catholic Church back then had been lying and keeping the truth from the people.

Understand that it is one-worldism, global governance, Big Brother type cradle to grave control, depopulation and an insidious "DIRECTED HISTORY" the Anglo American elite want in the coming New Dark Ages. The elite 1,100 mega rich families own all of the world central banks (including the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank) and they have become unbelievably rich and powerful creating fiat monopoly money out of nowhere. The Anglo American elite want to be the new pharaohs, kings and lords. You and your children and your children's children will be their serfs - their slaves in the New Dark Ages feudalism. Who are these elite? - Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Warburgs and many more (CENTRAL BANKSTERS). Also, most international governments and both US political parties have been in on the nefarious centralist plan for 100+ years now.

Read "The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve" by G. Edward Griffin if you don't believe me.

The power elite use war, the global warming myth, class warfare, pandemic disease scare, bank, country and corporate bailouts and now the coming Greater Depression as a smokescreens to take your freedom forevermore and to create a one world government and one world currency. The elite own the mainstream media so most everything you read in the papers, hear on the radio and see on TV is bogus.

Islam (the Islamic Crescent) gets World War Three from the Anglo financial power elite who want world depopulation and a new feudalism in a New Dark Ages. They want to reduce the size of the earth's population so the natural resources will last longer in their kingdom. Help stop the international central bank (mafia like) cartel of demigods and their collectivist conspiracy.

My mission has ramped up from spreading the word about the coming deflation and Greater Depression to stopping collectivism and the NEW DARK AGES.


Copyright 2011 by Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU
Use allowed with attribution back to:

Delwyn Lounsbury Photo Free 90 page download "Deflation Survival Guide" at:
Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU is an Eagle Scout
Hurry the CRASH is coming!

The coming New Dark Ages is the biggest story in the universe!

Is a New Dark Ages Coming?

Is a New Dark Ages Coming?

Is a New Dark Ages Coming?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Why Is President Obama Bankrupting America

To President Obama bankrupting America fits into his plan to grow the size of government and thus make more people dependent on the state. Obama's first Chief of Staff was Rahm Emanuel (he resigned 10/1/2010). In addition to having an abrasive personality and a foul mouth, he will probably be remembered most for saying, "A crisis is a terrible thing to waste." A crisis gives a reason for existence and a savior mentality to all the bureaucrats, politicians, agencies, workers, organizations and probably even most lobbyists hanging around. A chance to, "Do things that they normally could not do," is what Rahm Emanuel later told a liberal audience at a speaking engagement. The deflation economy nosedive leading into the GREATER DEPRESSION is the crown jewel of a crisis. What a stroke of luck having control of both houses of Congress. They can pass whatever legislation they want. They pass laws with out even reading them or writing them for that matter. They vote for anything as long as it grows the size of government. This is socialism run amok.

The President Obama bankrupting us with socialist wealth redistributing mistakes, meddling and Marxism is criminal. But, that is his plan - to bring our country down so a one-world-government/new-world-order can take over. This smacks of fascism also. Fascism is when government totally controls everything - especially business and the military. Hitler and Mussolini were fascists. In fact, Hitler's government was called the NATIONAL SOCIALIST GERMAN WORKERS' PARTY.

A new book, Roots Of Obama's Rage, by Dinesh D'Souza maintains our president has an anticolonialist agenda attributable to his alchoholic African socialist father Barack Obama Senior. Barak Obama Junior's self written autobiography is even titled DREAMS OF MY FATHER. Obama Sr. hated Britain and other nations of the West (U.S.) for invading, pillaging, looting and occupying the third world countries like his native country Kenya. Obama Jr. wants federal oversight of all aspects of American business and plans to tax them to the moon for ripping off the rest of the worlds resources. The dreams of Obama Sr. are fast becoming our nightmare.

Business has caught on to the fact that he is out to get them. Businesses are so uncertain and afraid that they have stopped expanding, hiring, borrowing, leasing, lending and buying. What a great way to make the jobless GREATER DEPRESSION worse.

ObamaCare is a prime example. Government suddenly taking over one sixth of a free market economy. When has government involvement not made things more efficient, more costly, with worse service and more red tape? A provision of the 2,500 page act requires businesses to file a separate IRS code 1099 for each and every transaction over $600. More job killing rules and red tape. Look a the U.S. postal system or state DMV if you want to know what I mean. Now, the Obama administration is letting many groups like the teachers union opt-out of the system. Weren't they the ones paying for the ads in favor of nationalized heath care?

So, Obama Jr.'s mission, according to Dinesh D'Souza, is to get America to return it's ill gotten gains. Obama wants to raise taxes on the rich. He is forcing the big bad corporations back into line with mountains of Fed oversite, reams of new laws, wealth redistribution and burdensome increased taxes. Unfortunately, Juniors anticoloniaist thinking also means lowering our standard of living, being sympathetic to muslim (freedom fighters), reducing nuclear defenses by 2/3, not blocking Irans nuclear ambitions, bowing to foreign dignitaries and anything else that will get America all wraped up around the axle.

It seems the darn government is always getting larger and more intrusive in our lives. Every year we loose more FREEDOMS. Multiply that tenfold when we get a real economic meltdown like we are having now. Same with a national security (9-11) or a natural disaster like Katrina in New Orleans or even a man made disaster like the Gulf oil well spill(boy did the Obama Administration drag it's feet and mismanage that one). Mainstream liberal media keeps covering up all the cancerous acts. They so wanted Obama to succeed. They don't even want to admit that President Obama is bankrupting them also.
We out to change our contry's name to the UNITED STATES OF DENIAL.

Why did it take so long to plug the Gulf oil well? Obama wanted it to last. Don't forget President Obama bankrupting the US is his mission in life. The whole country laid down like an old dog while he continues to work to pass all kinds of programs to hurt the oil industry, halt new oil drilling, make carbon dioxide a toxic (we breathe it out and all plants need it to grow) green house gas and cap-and-trade taxes and restrictions that will absolutley slay jobs. They are a smokescreen for taking our FREEDOM. Other countries offered to loan us their oil skimmer boats. He delayed giving a presidential OK to suspend the Brown Act for months. This meant not allowing the foreign oil cleanup boats to leave port and help with our problem The Brown Act controls boats in U.S. waters and harbors. George W. Bush suspended it in just days after hurricaine Katrina hit.

A disturbing turn of events over at the IMF, International Monetary Fund, hints at an expanded role for this world organization as "BIG BROTHER" and controller of the purse strings for the G-20 nations. They are quoted as saying to build "peace through economic stability." HA! HA! I'm telling you right now it is a one-world-government/new-world-order fascist plot and we had better watch out for these power elite demagogs. The main demagog is Mr. Strauss-Khan, at the 12 story IMF world headquarters at the corner of 11th and Pennsylvania Ave., Washington DC. Down the street from the anointed one - Barack Hussein Obama - fascist country wrecker & job killer and wannabe messiah.

Why do you think Obama got the Nobel peace prize and the 1 million dollars that goes with it the first months in office without doing anything? It was an up front down payment from the power elite to their socialist secret agent for all the one-world-government fascism work Obama would be doing later on. A contract on our lives. Hitman Obama is weakening and ruining America with fascism, socialism and wealth redistribution. Right under our noses! You had better find out more about President Obama bankrupting America.

This is all part of a bankster power elite control conspiracy that has been going on since they set up their first agent of destrution the Federal Reserve in 1913. It was the Federal Reserves job to ruin the once strong America and weaken it's currency under the smokescreen of economic crisis, wars and now climate change mania. Thanks to fraudulent leaders like Franklin Roosevelt carrying on the banner of socialism and huge government the dollar then is now 4 cents. Go figure!

Read THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND - A Second Look at the Federal Reserve 1994, by G. Edward Griffin if you don't believe me. Both American polictical parties are in on the conspiracy, by the way. Every word is true! Chapter two is titled "Bailouts Name of the Game." We the taxpayers pay and go deeper in debt with each bailout. We have been duped. It's a big myth. The Federal Reserve is not even federal or a bank or subject to an audit. Ot's a private corporation. Who owns it? The Rothchilds? The Morgans? The Warburgs? The control freak banksters aways financing both sides of wars all throughout history are the culprits. Now, they've got their boy President Obama bankrupting the once strong America in a deflation economy leading into the GREATER DEPRESSION.

Watch out! Fascist President Obama bankrupting the once strong America will lead to unholy alliances with the following dirty devils and one-world-government enablers: IMF, Trilateral Commision, Council of Foreign Nations, United Nations, World Bank, G-20 and finally any new world cap-and-trade organization they try to come up with.

PS The GREATER DEPRESSION started in 2000 with the dot com stock climax and will last into 2016 and mean a drop of 90 percent in most assests and 30 percent unemployment.

This is TYRANNY!

Copyright - 2010 by Delwyn Lounsbury -
Use of this article allowed with attribution back.

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Important to you and the world's survival

Why the Heck is President Obama Bankrupting America? By Delwyn Lounsbury At Ezine Articles

Why the Heck is President Obama Bankrupting America? By Delwyn Lounsbury At Ezine Articles

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Beware the Power Elite Coming To Get You

Beware the Power Elite Coming To Get You
Beware the Power Elite Coming To Get You

Beware the Power Elite Coming To Get You

Beware the Power Elite Coming To Get You

Monday, October 17, 2011

How To Surive The Coming Deflation

How To Surive The Coming Deflation

How You Can Survive The Coming Deflation

By Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU

How you can survive the coming deflation. I am here to say we have had our runaway inflation or hyperinflation led by our spendthrift representatives in government in cahoots with the Federal Reserve Bank a monopoly and fraudulent cartel. You should know the Anglo financial power elite who control all 100 central banks in the world, INCLUDING THE FED, are planning to take your freedom and your money in a worldwide conspiracy. I call them BANKSTERS! You can call them the Master Class who plunder us with the use of bailouts and currency debasement that can only lead to chaos and misery in the coming deflation and GREATER DEPRESSION. Will we just give up and let them totally control us cradle to grave?

It is an effort to pave the way for global governance and a new worldwide currency. You are their snookered pawn. The pernicious politics of a bankrupt Washington, a Federal Reserve that took the value of the dollar down to two cents and the elite's Wall Street buddies who carted off the booty to tax free accounts in the Cayman Islands have led to the ruin of the moral fabric of the world. Why do you think America is the policeman and the foreign aid source for the rest of the world? It was to bankrupt and weaken us for the takeover.

The Occupy Wall Street movement should metastasize their anger onto the mega rich elite - not government. The Occupy Wall Street government protest is just another smokescreen to divert attention from the elite while they take our freedom and liberty. The moral hazard grows with the size of our debt and financial oppression. Welcome to total totalitarian tyranny!

Next there comes world deflation and hyperdeflation. There is not a thing anyone can do about it except get out of debt and get liquid personally. However, most people are in denial about how to survive the coming deflation and think inflation will come roaring back. IT WON'T. Don't forget the theory of contrary opinion has never been disproved. The elite plan is to make us so miserable that we concede to a one world government. Our only hope is the depression will mean less tax revenue thereby de funding government profligacy
The coming deflation will be two times larger and two times longer than the 1930's Depression. The world will experience the pain of the cure for credit inflation - a nasty credit deflation economy and the rest of the Greater Depression which actually started back in 2000 with the dot com stock peak and bubble mania climax. Real estate, stocks and most other assets will drop 90% from peak and bottom in years 2016 to 2018. Even gold, the only true money may drop in half or more by then. Unemployment will be 30% plus. It is not a pretty picture


The world economy actually peaked with the dot com stock market climax blow-off top in 2000. First real estate tanked in 2006. Then stock markets the world over experienced a big 13 year top. Recently, gold appears to have topped out with a reflation high of $1,912 per ounce. Next, bond prices will tank as the interest rate rises and amazingly the value of the U.S. dollar will soar. How can that be?

Remarkably, CASH IS KING in a deflationary depression. Its value increases as everything else loses value. You could possibly buy a bigger and better home free and clear if you just wait and hold on to cash until the bottom of the crash in 2016 - 2018. The dollar may strengthen on the world markets. The elite have had it with the money they lend out losing any more value.

Deflation will mean the stock markets and most other assets crash. The Dow will fall below 1,000. Prices will not come back for years and years. The buy and hold investment strategy (because in the long run you will come out ok) does not work when the deep, dark, dangerous and GREATER DEPRESSION comes a-knocking every 80 to 100 years.

The whole world is experiencing the ending of an eighty-year Kondratiev wave business cycle that went way overboard due to wholesale fiat paper money creation and fractional reserve banking. The world economy morphed into an electronic money creation credit inflation climax binge.

High unemployment is setting up a snowball effect - a vicious circle cycle of layoffs upon more layoffs. People don't buy as much. Then businesses have to fire more workers because sales are slow. This is the "Multiplier Effect" in economics in reverse. Look it up. It feeds on itself. Plus, it goes a lot faster on the way down than on the way up. No one, including the federal government, can stop the deflation pendulum from swinging all the way to depression.

The only cure for inflation is deflation - it's a healing process. Read our articles.

Barack Hussein Obama, a community organizer (communizer) from the politically corrupt city of Chicago is a for sure socialist and may well be a communist/Marxist turning fascist on us. Fascism is when a leader bashes business people and the military into submission, then runs roughshod over the judicial, legislative and executive branches of government. Bad news! His ideas are completely opposite of the capitalism and free enterprise that made this nation great. What do you think created your jobs? Where are the jobs when the government project is done?

Obama is ruining the U.S. Constitution and making things worse with his Marxist tax the rich class warfare, his socialist progressive ideas like ObamaCare (a rationing and euthanasia scheme and a new TAX) and his taking our freedom and liberty with heaps of new laws and regulations. A carbon TAX is next.

Obama, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Alan Greenspan and John Maynard Keynes along with many other social scientists and bureaucrats of both political parties are the ones whose names will be mud in the future for spending us into oblivion by growing the size of government as agents for the nefarious Anglo financial power elite conspiracy.

This is not what our freedom favoring founding fathers had in mind when they wrote the Constitution. According to them, money was to be specie (not an alien life form attached to a spaceship) - real gold, silver and copper coins. Look it up. The US Constitution still says all money will be specie to this day.

These fascist, new world order and one world government ideas are TYRANNY. We need to stand up for our rights and LIBERTY everywhere we can or we can kiss our own FREEDOM good-bye. We will soon be told what to do, how to act, where to work, where to live and what to think. Is this the life you want for your children and your children's children? I don't think so.

Don't forget it was the central banking low interest rate price fix and excess money creation that caused the problem. The banksters may have used up to an astounding $50 trillion dollars to bail out the 2008 world crisis. They will want it all (and more) back. Bank and corporate bailouts always mean the taxpayer gets the bill, by the way.

Stand up and be a free market thinker for your children's sake. Be a contrarian. Be a renegade. Live your life to the fullest. These are historic times. The internet reformation is spreading truth and knowledge just like the Gutenberg did press 500 years ago by printing bibles for the common man. Don't back down! Protect the constitution's principles. The constitution is getting hammered by Barack Hussein Obama right now.

Do not trust the fraudulent cartel and monopoly the Federal Reserve. It is a trap! The FED works for the Anglo financial power elite (who actually own the corporate - not traded on any exchange - shares). The elite have been slowly trying to take our LIBERTY since the FED was formed in secret back in 1913 and have used wars and now the global warming myth as smokescreens for taking our freedoms.

The new world order is right out of George Orwell's book "1984." A "Big Brother" one world government scheme in the disguise of a cap-and-trade carbon emissions world organization (AND TAX) is next. It will probably be controlled by the IMF (International Monetary Fund), the BIS (Bank for International Settlements) or the World Bank and of course the Anglo financial power elite will be in ultimate control. Beware of a one world currency! Beware the mainstream press! They are owned and co-opted by the elite.

Our paper money is by fiat. That is French for, "let it be made." It's all a big Ponzi pyramid scheme. BEWARE OF FIAT MONEY IT ALWAYS LEADS TO MORAL DECAY! Lobby, support and subscribe to private money backed by gold or else inflation comes roaring back after 2016. Don't let government control the money ever again. Only gold is not someone's debt. Only gold is honest money. Gold mine stock prices and dividends soared in the 1930 depression, by the way. Why? Well, they were mining money.

"Be Prepared" is the Boy Scout motto. Join Club EWI (Elliott Wave International) at links at my site and get your free 90 page "Deflation Guide." I am an Eagle Scout - Trustworthy, Loyal and Honest with you. More...

Copyright 2011 by Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DUFLATION GURU
Use of this article allowed with credit back to

Delwyn Lounsbury Photo Free 90 page "Deflation Guide" download.

Published at Sooper Articles - Free Articles Directory


How To Surive The Coming Deflation

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Dhimmitude of Obamacare Opens Door For Shariah Law in America

Obama Gay Sex And Drug Use

Obama Gay Sex And Drug Use

The Dhimmitude of Obamacare Opens Door For Shariah Law in America

The Dhimmitude of Obamacare Opens Door For Shariah Law in America

The Dhimmitude In ObamaCare

By Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU

Dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-Muslim populations conquered through jihad. Actually, it is the taxing of non-Muslims in exchange for tolerating their presence. It is a coercive way of converting the conquered to Islam by grinding them down economically with taxes and fees until they give up and join the Muslim religion.

The socialist Obamacare (rationing, euthanasia and TAX) bill is the establishment of Dhimmitude and Shariah Muslim law in the United States. Muslims, Amish and Christian Scientists etc. are specifically exempted from the government mandate to purchase insurance, and from the penalty tax for being uninsured.

This Dhimmitude in the act is dumb on Obama's and our bureaucrat legislator's part. The idea was to cover everyone to get the cost spread out over as many as possible. Wasn't it? Again, none of the politicians have to join the plan. Nor will the military, congress, the senate or Obama and all his cohorts in the federal government or research labs across the nation for that matter. Now, I hear some teachers unions are being granted exemptions also. Don't we need everyone possible to join the national healthcare to spread out the costs and risks? Why then have 3,500 exemptions been granted already? PS Those exemptions will be quickly cancelled if Obama is elected for a second term in 2012.

Barack Hussein Obama is Muslim so he says nothing. By the way, only Muslim boy children are named Hussein. "Big Brother" Obama doesn't care. He just wants to grow the size of government and hasten the advent of a one world government controlled by the socialist communist Marxist fascist Nazi power elite who helped elect him.

Islam considers insurance, lending and borrowing at interest to be "gambling", "risk-taking" and "usury" and is thus banned. Thus these recognized religions or sects or divisions thereof are specifically granted exemption in the Act.

You and I could have IRS liens placed against all of our assets, including real estate, business and accounts, and could face prison time because we refuse to buy insurance or pay the penalty tax. Meanwhile, people of these exempt religions will have no penalty and could possibly have their health care needs paid for by the de facto government insurance. Non-Muslims will be paying a tax to subsidize Muslims. We are the dummies. Most of the Democrat controlled Congress and Senate didn't even read the pages of the bill. They just voted "yes," since it was the increased socialistic control over the population and the votes from progressive wealth redistribution advocates they really wanted.

With ObamaCare Muslims get a free pass thanks the First Amendment to the US Constitution - "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

The ObamaCare bill will be the establishment of Dhimmitude and Shariah Muslim law in the United States. England is already lost as there are over 70 Shariah law courts already set up exclusively for their growing Islamic population. Stop this Islam/Muslim takeover! PS The jihadist Muslim Brotherhood wants to kill us all.

Louis Farrakhan, however, will have no such penalty and will have 100% of his health needs paid for by the government insurance. Non-Muslims will be paying a tax to subsidize Muslims. This is insane and will only make the deflation and Greater Depression worse.

The 11 District Court in Atlanta, Georgia on 8/11/2011 ruled ObamaCare unconstitutional. That's the second court to rule the government cannot force all Americans to buy government health insurance or be fined for not buying it - a violation of the Interstate Commerce Clause of the Constitution - the "individual mandate." Plus it puts 16% of a free market economy under inefficient government control. When has government ever ran anything at a profit or ran it as well as free enterprise? In addition, 26 states have filed legal papers seeking to void ObamaCare.

We are the dummies letting government ruin our Constitution and take the last of our freedom.

Copyright 2011 by Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU
Use of this article allowed with attribution back to:

Delwyn Lounsbury Photo Free 90 page download "Deflation Guidebook" at"
Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU is an Eagle Scout.
Hurry! The CRASH is coming!

Published at Sooper Articles - Free Articles Submission


Obama National Jobs Act

Obama The Job Loss President

The Obama National Jobs Act speech 9/8/2011 used the word "jobs" 37 times and used "pass it now" 17 times. This eclipses his last redundant speech when 17 times Obama said "invest or investments" which is covert communist code (comrade) for political pork payola - probably money never to be seen ever again.

A prime example is the solar company Solyndra of Fremont, California announced filing of Chapter 11 bankruptcy on 9/6/2011 which resulted in 1,100 jobs lost. American taxpayers also lost $535 billion due to a loan guarantee Obama had arranged. Solyndra's venture capital investors are also out $1.1 billion. How many real jobs in real companies could that money have produced? Apparently, Solyndra's outdated expensive technology couldn't compete in the free market. Now the FBI has raided Solyndra's offices and is going through boxes of documents and computer hard drives. Why? Is this a big cover up and the hiding of evidence of an Obama administration failure and big black eye? Solyndra owners reportedly contributed heavily to Obama's campaign and were frequent visitors to the White House.

Obama job losses include a record 30 months of rising unemployment to close to 10% and a record 13.9 million jobs lost since he took office. Back on December 9, 2009 the $830 million bailout did not lower unemployment. On March 23, 2010 the passage of socialist ObamaCare (rationing and euthanasia) now threatens to raise excise taxes on medical device makers causing them to layoff. On September 21, 2010, they announced plans to regulate and tax the internet which could cost 500,000 jobs. On March 23, 2010, Obama announced theU.S.would loan money toBrazilfor oil drilling off their coast. Why not help American oil interests here? On April 20, 2011 the Obama administration blocked building a southern state car factory that would have meant 5,000 jobs. Then, the Obama administration came up with a slough of new EPA job killing regulations. Next, on July 22, 2011, Obama started attacking the private jet industry that employs 1.2 million workers. On August 21, 2011, the Obama government blocked ATT's purchase of foreign owned TMobile which would have repatriated 5,000 jobs back to theUSA. Finally, the Feds raided Gibson Guitar Company over which wood material they use in their American made guitars. Many are saying the raid was due to fact the company is not unionized and the owner is a conservative Republican.

With friends like Obama - who needs enemies? The only sector with job growth was federal government which rose 13 percent during his 2.5 years in office. Frontline on PBS this week reported the DHS (Department of Homeland Security) now employs over one million people and the war on terrorists may have cost upwards of $ 3 trillion. This big bloated government has resulted in the need for more borrowing and deficit spending, leading Standard & Poors to downgrade from AAA to AA+. President Barack Hussein Obama will go down in history as "Obama the Downgrade President" and "Obama the Job Loss President" and "Obama the Deficit Spending President."

The new Obama National Jobs Act he is proposing will cost $200,000 plus per (temporary) job, while the tax increases to pay for it will be permanent. Huh! It's all planned to be financed by limiting itemized deductions on those making over $250,000, reducing home interest rate deductions, reducing oil and gas company deductions and reducing charitable giving deductions. This will hurt growth, raise prices at the pump, hurt charities and cause more debt and deficit.

In addition, figures September 14, 2011, show 2 million more Americans are under the poverty line of $11,200 for a single person or $22,314 for a family of four. That makes a whopping 15% or 1 in 6 (yes, 46.2 million) of our population living in poverty and the truth is 50% live on half that much due to the high unemployment levels. U.S.poverty totals are at a 50-year high the Census Bureau's grim statistics show. Plus, 1 million more Americans went without health insurance this year. If it wasn't for the recent unemployment insurance compensation extension to 99 months, things would have worsened as they surely will if the cap is not extended again. Idiotic Obama spending and class warfare (wealth redistribution) are just killing more jobs by making businesses give up and quit hiring - the golden goose that laid the golden eggs gone.

The Obama National Jobs Act speech was purely campaign propaganda and there was no proof of how the $450 billion dollars would be paid. Is this just QE3? The Obama jobs loss speech insisted 17 times "pass it now" (I want to get re elected). To me, the upsetting and childish jobs loss speech was presumptuous and arrogant and is just prelude to more spending and more class warfare from misguided Obama the socialist, communist, Marxist, fascist, Nazi.

More at my website about how to survive and get rich in the coming deflation and Greater Depression... Hurry the CRASH is coming. By the way, you can plan on 35+ percent unemployment by 2016.

Copyright 2011 by Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU
Use of this article allowed with attribution back.

Delwyn Lounsbury Photo Get your FREE 90 page download "Deflation Guide" at:A
Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURUA is a Eagle Scout.A Hurry the CRASH is coming!

Published at Sooper Articles - Submit Free Articles


Obama National Jobs Act

Obama National Jobs Act

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Business News Articles - China Deflation Depression - Article Search Engine

Business News Articles - China Deflation Depression - Article Search Engine

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Friday, October 7, 2011

Obama The Job Loss President

You are here: Home Business Investment Obama Jobs Speech from Obama the Job Loss President

Obama Jobs Speech from Obama the Job Loss President

September 12, 2011 Investment news in Livermore,California, United States of America

With friends like Obama – who needs enemies? The only sector with job growth was federal government which rose 13 percent during his 2.5 years in office costing American citizens trillions.

Livermore, California, United States of America ( September 12, 2011 --The Obama Jobs Speech from Obama the Job Loss President

By Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU

The Obama jobs speech on 9/8/2011 about his proposed National Jobs Act used the word jobs 37 times and his use of “pass it now” totaled 17 times. This eclipses his last redundant Marxist class warfare speech when 17 times Obama said “invest or investments” which is covert communist code comrade for political pork payola. Probably money never to be seen ever again – an example is the Solyndra solar of Fremont, California bankruptcy on 9/6/2011 resulting in 1,100 jobs lost and American taxpayers lost $535 billion due to a loan guarantee Obama had arranged. Solyndra’s venture capital investors are also out $1.1 billion. How many real jobs in real companies could that money have produced? Apparently, Solyndra’s outdated expensive technology couldn’t complete in the free market. Now, the FBI has raided Solyndra’s offices and is going through boxes of documents and computer hard drives. Why? Is this a big cover up and the hiding of evidence of an Obama administration big black eye?

Obama job losses include a record 30 months of rising unemployment to close to 10 percent and a record 13.9 million jobs lost since he took office. Back on February 17, 2009 the $830 million American Recovery and Investment Act (Obama's first jobs bill) did not lower unemployment. Then, on March 23, 2010 the passage of socialist ObamaCare (rationing and euthanasia) now threatens to raise excise taxes on medical device makers causing them to layoff. Next, on September 21, 2010 the Feds announced plans to regulate and tax the internet which could cost 500,000 jobs. Then, on March 23, 2010 Obama announced the U.S. would loan money to Brazil for oil drilling off their coast. Why not help American oil interests here? On April 20, 2011 the Obama administration blocked building a southern state car factory that would have meant 5,000 jobs. Then, the Obama administration came up with a slough of new EPA job killing regulations. Next, on July 22, 2011 Obama started attacking the private jet industry that employs 1.2 million workers. On August 21, 2011 the Obama government blocked ATT’s purchase of foreign owned TMobile which would have repatriated 5,000 jobs back to the USA. Finally, the Feds raided Gibson Guitar Company over what wood to use in their American made guitars.

With friends like Obama – who needs enemies? The only sector with job growth was federal government which rose 13 percent during his 2.5 years in office. Frontline on PBS this week reported the DHS (Department of Homeland Security) now employs over one million people and the war on terrorists may have cost upwards of $ 3 trillion. This big bloated government has resulted in the need for more borrowing and deficit spending leading Standard & Poors to downgrade U.S. debt from AAA to AA+. President Barack Hussein Obama will go down in history as both “Obama the Downgrade President” and “Obama the Job Loss President.” America had an AAA credit rating since 1917. Not any more. This will eventually mean billions in higher interest payments on Obama engineered exploding debt due to deficit spending.

The new Obama National Jobs Act he is proposing will cost $200,000 per (temporary) job while the tax increase to pay for it will be permanent. Huh! Its all planned to be financed by limiting itemized deductions on those making over $250,000, reducing home interest rate deductions, reducing oil and gas company deductions and reducing charitable giving deductions. This will hurt growth, hurt charities and cause more debt and deficit.

In addition, figures September 14, 2011 show 2 million more Americans are under the poverty line of $11,200 for a single person or $22,314 for a family of four. That makes a whopping 15% or 1 in 6 (yes, 46.2 million) of our population living in poverty and the truth is 50% live on half that much due to the high unemployment levels. U.S. poverty totals are at a 50-year high the Census Bureau's grim statistics show. Plus, 1 million more Americans went without health insurance this year. If it wasn't for the recent unemployment insurance compensation extension to 99 months things would have worsened as they surely will if the cap is not extended again. Idiotic Obama spending and class warfare are just killing more jobs by making businesses give up and quit hiring - golden goose gone bye bye.

The Obama jobs speech was purely campaign propaganda and there was no proof of how the $450 billion dollars would be paid. Is this just QE3 – Quantitative Easing # 3? The Obama jobs speech insisted 17 times “pass it now” (I want to get re elected). To me the upsetting and childish jobs speech was presumptuous and arrogant and is just a prelude to more spending and more class warfare from misguided Obama the socialist communist Marxist fascist Nazi. More at my website about how to survive and get rich in the coming deflation and Greater Depression… Hurry the CRASH is coming.

Copyright 2011 by Delwyn Lounsbury – THE DEFLATION GURU
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  • Name: Delwyn Lounsbury


    Telphone: 925-575-1735


  • About the author:

    Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU is an Eagle Scout and licensed California real estate agent since 1968. Get Your Free 90 page "Deflation Guidebook" at: HURRY! TIME IS RUNNING OUT TO PREPARE!


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The Coming China Deflation and Depression

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The Coming China Deflation

October 7, 2011 Investment news in Livermore,California, United States of America

The coming China deflation and depression is the biggest story in the whole wide world. As the rest of the world tightens its belt and then half starves to death in the Greater Depression.

Livermore, California, United States of America ( October 7, 2011 --By Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU

The coming China deflation and depression is the biggest story in the whole wide world. As the rest of the world tightens its belt and then half starves to death in the Greater Depression , who is going to buy China's products? Communist capitalism - game over - it wasn't a good idea anyway. Too bad 1.3 billion people had to be infected by it.

China's white-hot rate of manufacturing and mania levels of inflated real estate values will crash and burn very soon. The old men of the Communist Party of China are following a Marxist scientific planned fiat money printing based economy that is guaranteed to blow up in the their face. China's M2 money supply has ballooned 450% in the last ten years which has fueled a real estate mania.

At the same time rising cost-push inflation cuts manufacturing companies profit margins and the worker ants and bees real wages declined. Why make real products when you can get 50% returns on real estate? The papered over tiger will grind to a shuddering halt as the rest of the world stops buying Chinese junk in the Greater Depression that started in year 2000 with the dot com stock mania bubble burst. The Chinese depression will be the mother of all hard landings due to its fiat paper money printing Ponzi scheme on a scale never seen before. Bernie Madoff you are an amateur compared to the Chinese Communists.

Fear, hunger and human action will trump communist centrally planned 10 mega-cities of 20 to 30 million people each. The Chinese plan is to have 200 cities with a population of more than one million. In all, the total includes an astounding five million new buildings and 50,000 new skyscrapers. China's fascist plans include moving 350 million rural people into huge cities (urbanization - now there's a sugar coated progressive poison pill). Already, electricity use in China has gone flat and stopped growing. The peak of the mushrooming mania and coming Chinese collapse can't be too far away.

This is Marxism gone totally insane. An all-pervasive totalitarian state thinking "science" can control human animal instincts and economic development (socionomics) in the long run. The Chinese central bank has its "pedal to the metal" with money printing. Central banks controlled by power elite banksters are the problem the world over as the nefarious globalists try to shove a one world government down our throats behind their smokescreens – crashing debt ridden economies, wars and global warming hysteria myths. Watch out!

The ChiComs are now totally dependent on growth which may be toping here in 2011 at a whopping 25 percent per year. 50 years ago Chairman Mao Tse Tung starved to death 40 million Chinese citizens during the Great Leap Forward. Recently they ran over people with tanks in Tiananmen Square and squashed peoples freedoms further. Are they going to starve and kill 100 million more people in the coming putrid fetid stinking China deflation depression disaster?

The crash of the Chinese runaway inflation economy is the largest story of the foreseeable future. The mainstream progressive press is not even covering it. The press is co-opted by the Anglo financial power elite mega rich banking families of the world who own them. A one world government and one world currency total cradle to grave control of the people is their plan. Three years ago they injected a breathtaking US $50 trillion into the world economy to keep it afloat. The Anglo financial power elite are going to get that money back one way or the other.

The big head fake here is that the elite want a strong dollar. They have had it with the money they lent out losing value. The same thing happened in the 1930's depression. The bankers back then tightened up on lending and actually got richer foreclosing farms.

Due to "Obama the Downgrade President" borrowing and spending like a drunken sailor, the U.S. credit rating was recently reduced from triple A, where it had been since 1917, to AA+. Interest rates will now rise to debilitating levels in the next five years as people scramble around and borrow at any rate to stay alive and keep the business going. As interest rates rise bond prices plummet. The trillions of dollars in U.S. bonds choking China's coffers now will be decimated. The Chinese will be caught holding a half empty bond bag.

The maligned American dollar will soar in value on world markets as most other assets drop 90% from peak. Even gold may drop in half. Gold has already dropped $300 from the $1,912 per ounce recent reflation 2011 parabolic peak. Unemployment will reach brutal 40% levels into 2016-2018. Cash is king in a depression . Don't you know! Get free and clear!

The internet reformation sending out the truth about free market, liberty and Constitutional values and the need for gold-backed private money are our only hope of salvation. Only gold is not someone else's debt. Only gold is honest. Beware - the financial power elite are at it everywhere! The 1913 U.S. dollar is now only worth four cents on purpose. This is the financial power elite's global governance purpose - totalitarian takeover and control. You are just a pawn in their money game. Same thing in China only its even more heavy-handed because the old leaders there fear social upheaval most of all.

The China depression and deflation is a catastrophic result of printing money with no backing leading people to thinking buying empty condos in vacant cities will be a good investment. Not on this planet. Credit inflation bubbles always end in deep credit deflations - Austrian economics tells us so - every time. Yes, China will be the next empire but its not a country for old men with socialist, communist, Marxist and fascist dogmas and propaganda.

They do have an America exceptionalism example they strongly want to follow. Too bad the United States left the tried and true 5,000 year old gold money model and went with (worth - less every year) fiat paper money only to burn out like a moth flying into a candles flame. No one should go the paper printing press poorhouse route ever again. Only governments can take a worthwhile commodity like paper and make it worthless.

The financial power elite have sold their stocks, bonds and real estate. The banksters want a sound dollar now to fool you in their 100 year old one world government new world order Orwellian take over. Bankers = Big Brother!

You on the internet need to preach private gold backed money. Only gold and the internet can save us. Our old progressive totalitarian leaders and elite controlled mainstream press sure are not truthful. Are they? Obama and the lawless left are ruining what was left of our Constitution.

Thanks for reading about China deflation and depression the biggest most important story in the whole wide world - Important to your and the whole World’s survival. More at my website on how to SURVIVE and GET RICH in the deflation...

Copyright 2011 by Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU
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Contact Information

  • Name: Delwyn Lounsbury


    Telphone: 925-575-1735


  • About the author:

    Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU is an Eagle Scout and licensed California real estate agent since 1968. Get Your Free 90 page "Deflation Guidebook" at: HURRY! TIME IS RUNNING OUT TO PREPARE!

Important to your and the whole World's survival.


President Obama Unconstitutional Killing of Anwar al-Awlaki

By Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU

President Obama unconstitutional and lawless acts continue unabated with the murder of Anwar al-Awlaki a US citizen. What happened to due process?

President Obama knows what is unconstitutional or not. He taught constitutional law in College. Now, President Barack Hussein Obama has sanctioned the killing of an American citizen, Anwar al-Awlaki, who U.S. officials claim was a terrorist plotter and al Qaeda leader -a bad guy. Under American law he should have been charged and a manhunt started to "bring him to justice." However, because he was outside of the country, the Obama administration instead decided to kill him with an unmanned drone missile rocket. This is not US constitutional justice and law. All American citizens have a right to due process. There is a longstanding system, procedure and law books full of case history to follow. Besides, Awlaki had not been charged with a crime. So, who decided he ought to be assassinated - and for what offense? Many, many Obama administration actions are not legitimate and much of the progressive left's actions have turned lawless as well. This lefitist low-life lawlessness has got to stop!

This is serious stuff. Next they will be sending drones over the Mexican or Canadian boarder to snuff out anti-government protesters plus their wives, children and whoever else is in the targeted house. The U.S. sanctioned over 1,200 drone bombings in Afghanistan and Pakistan in the last two years according to a PBS Frontline story. In one instance most members of a peaceful Afghanistan voter registration caravan where killed by mistake says Frontline.

Wow! US News and World Report just published an article saying because libertarian congressman Ron Paul, a US Presidential candidate, came out with a statement claiming the killing of Awlaki was unconstitutional and reprehensible, he is "outside" of the Republican Party. When has not being orthodox meant you are not presidential? We have Obama in office right now with no papers saying he even lives on this planet let alone a U.S. citizen.. Talk about unorthodox - the recently released Obama birth certificate has so many irregularities when looked at by graphics experts the list takes up several pages. "Adobe Illustrator" proves it is a total paste up fraud and a forgery.

The mainstream press owned by the financial power elite who want a one world government and one world currency just looks the other way or spins the story into a smokescreen for the mega rich elite bankster slow creeping take over and new world order. A world where you, your children and your children's children will be told what to do, where to work, where to live and what to think. "Big Brother" is, you see, the impossibly rich banking families of the whole world in cahoots with the central banks on a century long mission to ruin the money with fiat currency printing and loaning. Lobby for a private gold backed money or all is lost. Only gold is not someone else's debt. Only gold is honest money. Always has been and always will be.

Ron Paul is right to be alarmed and is saying it is an impeachable offense for President Obama to order Awlaki's death.

Supposedly, the US Justice Department sent Obama a memo giving him some go ahead to target Awlaki. These still would be just statements or opinions of bureaucrats and not legally binding since he was never charged with a crime. The erosion of our rights and extra-constitutional fascist acts by the regime are what is downright criminal. We had all better hang together or we will all hang separately (or have a drone aircraft deliver a hellcat missile to blow the smithereens out of our house and family).

Civil morality and freedom are going down the tube on your watch. The lawlessness of the American executive branch continues apace since Franklin Roosevelt first led us down the socialist fascist road to perdition. Obama and the endorsers of the Awlaki assassination - all the press plus former Governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romney and Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota who both approved of the killing - are just ruining our Constitution.

Stand up for reducing the size government and the amount of national debt or you will lose your liberty to a cancerous contemptible Orwellian tyranny. As the deflationary depression gathers strength more and more of our civil freedoms will be targeted. Beware! Greater Depression dead ahead!

Impeach President Obama the socialist, communist, Marxist, fascist, Nazi. This is just renegade rogue Obama's latest attempt to ruin the U.S. Constitution. See my website for all the other President Obama Unconstitutional acts...

Copyright 2011 by Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU
Use of this article allowed with attribution back to:

Delwyn Lounsbury Photo Free 90 page download "Survive Deflation" Hurry the CRASH IS COMING! Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU is an Eagle Scout

Published at Sooper Articles - Free Articles Submission


Obama Assassination of Awlaki Unconstitutional

Obama Assassination of Awlaki Unconstitutional

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Coldwell Banker Agent Delwyn Lounsbury - Livermore, CA - Real Estate in Livermore, California

Coldwell Banker Agent Delwyn Lounsbury - Livermore, CA - Real Estate in Livermore, California
Coldwell Banker Agent Delwyn Lounsbury - Livermore, CA - Real Estate in Livermore, California - Livermore, CA (California) | (925) 575-1735 - Livermore, CA (California) | (925) 575-1735 - Livermore, CA (California) | (925) 575-1735 - Livermore, CA (California) (925) 575-1735

President Obama Does "Wag the Mosque" in a Deflation Economy

President Obama Does "Wag the Mosque" in a Deflation Economy

Monday, August 22, 2011


Obama "The Downgrade President"

Obama "The Downgrade President"
Obama The Deficit Spending President#.TlKg2nCZIV0.delicious

Obama The Deficit Spending President


By Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU

Barack Hussein Obama the deficit spending president continues to blame the recent Standard and Poor's downgrade of U.S. debt from AAA to AA+ on everything from the tsunami in Japan, the "Arab Spring" Muslim (Jihadist) Brotherhood takeover in Egypt to the grassroots political movement called the Tea Party (truly a growing libertarian political force that has the Democrats worried).

One thing is for sure, Obama the deficit spending president will henceforth in human history forevermore go down in as the only President of theUnited States of Americato have led this great nation to these depths. We have had an AAA credit rating since 1917 and now thanks to a "progressive president" we are the laughing stock of the world. Next our long term interest rates will rise rapidly in reaction. Economically everything he has tried has failed because all he knows as a community organizer (communizer) is absolutely opposite of American free enterprise.

Mitt Romney said, "Standard & Poor's downgrade is a deeply troubling indicator of our country's decline under President Obama. His failed policies have led to high unemployment, skyrocketing deficits, and now, the unprecedented loss of our nation's prized AAA credit rating."

Obama keeps blasting business for having corporate jets and he insists on raising our taxes to pay for his socialistic economic programs. How many more jobs will be lost when the building and staffing of airplanes comes to a grinding halt? Socialism (now called progressive by the lying mainstream media) really got kick started by Franklin Roosevelt's "New Deal" was goosed by Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society" and now is culminating in "Big Brother" Obama's welfare state, food stamp giveaway and ObamaCare. This means big bloated government at all levels threatens to deflate the economy and hasten the onslaught of the GREATER DEPRESSION. The parasite is finally killing the host. Deflationary depression dead ahead!

Obama is driving a wedge between Americans by making them feel guilty for being successful thereby convincing business people to cut back and not hire, not borrow, not lend and not grow their business or start new ones. Two or three years of nine percent unemployment will surely kick the multiplier effect in economics into reverse and be impossible to overcome. The multiplier means more layoffs as companies looking at their sales numbers on the computer screen quickly make the decision to cut as the economy snowballs downhill in a vicious cycle. In August of 2011 HSBC bank announced it was laying off a whopping 30,000 workers worldwide.

In addition, people unsure about the future curtail their buying and start saving. Already we see a savings rate of five percent up from below zero a few years ago. It was reported today house sales are down again and we are even paying down our credit card balances.

What Standard & Poor's said about the downgrade was: "We lowered our long-term rating on the U.S. because we believe that the prolonged controversy over raising the statutory debt ceiling and the related fiscal policy debate indicate that further near-term progress containing the growth in public spending, especially on entitlements …falls short of the amount that we believe is necessary to stabilize the general government debt-burden by the middle of the decade."

Finally, this Obama wealth redistribution nonsense of raising the takes on the rich needs to be called what it is – Class Warfare right out of the Communism/Marxism 101 textbook. See my article Obama the socialist communist Marxist fascist Nazi. Obama's use of the word invest or investment 12 times in a recent speech is covert communist code comrade for pet pork projects predominantly proffered politically producing paltry profits if any at all.

I will predict right here the next Obama tyranny (besides having we the taxpayers pay for his $2 million dollar campaign bus and his thinly veiled NATO assassination attempt of Muammar Gaddafi in Libya) will be mudslinging rhetoric and personal attack of his opponents in the 2012 presidential race instead of an honorable debate on the issues and facts. The facts are Obama is ruining the American economy and usurping your U.S.A

Constitution mandated freedoms and rights.  The Constitution says what government can not do to us.  We need to stand up for it and protect it or all liberty is lost.

 Stop the spending? The latest raising of the debt ceiling by our profligate president, Obama the deficit spending president, actually allows the U.S.national debt to increase by $8 trillion dollars in the next ten years to $22.5 trillion. What? It's already $50,000 per every man, woman and child in this country and scheduled to go ballistic with unfunded Medicare and social security entitlements. Entitlements are socialism sucking and redistributing money from workers to non workers and every tax is a price fix hurting business and free enterprise if you want the truth.  40% of us receive some sort of entitlement check each month and only 50% of Americans pay any tax.  Its Terminal!

 "As government grows – liberty contracts," Ronald Reagan

How you can survive and get rich in the coming deflation and GREATER DEPRESSION. Hurry! The CRASH is coming!

By Delwyn Lounsbury – THE DEFLATION GURU

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Obama The Deficit Spending President#.TlKg2nCZIV0.delicious

Obama The Deficit Spending President#.TlKg2nCZIV0.delicious