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Friday, July 15, 2011

Jesus Was Libertarian - Not a Liberal

Jesus Was Libertarian not a Liberal.

By Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU

Jesus was libertarian not a liberal. Libertarian is the doctrine of freedom and free enterprise and to do no harm or fraud to others. To follow the golden rule. To do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  Libertarians believe in freedom of thought, expression and action. They want to keep government small and they even want to contract most of it to the lowest bidder.  That is why we have all the economic turmoil today and deflation and the Greater Depression.  Excess credit inflation, fiat money and fractional reserve banking allowed government to grow into a bloated behemoth bashing business freedom and liberty and threatening to become an all controlling "Big Brother. 

"As government expands - liberty contracts" by Ronald Reagan

Libertarians believe in having a small army and police force for protection - not to beat up the rest of the world. Rome caused it's own demise by watering down it's money, trying to be policeman of the world and corrupting it's morals.  Emperor Constantine kept the Florin gold coin pure when he moved what was left of the Roman Empire to Constantinople (now Istanbul).  That helped them last another 500 years until they were finally defeated by the Moors. 

Support the constitution!  Lobby for private gold back money, vote for conservative candidates and de fund big government.  Our only defense is to stop the growth of government.  Obama is trampling our constitution.

That is what Jesus stood for.  Freedom of religion meant not to be required to join a religious sect.  Liberty allows people to worship as they wish and not be fed to the lions in Rome's coliseum.  Jesus was libertarian and he gave his life for ideas of freedom and free choice.  We should be looking up to his courage in the face of pressure from both Rome and the Jewish Church. 

The Bible has instances where Jesus stood up as a symbol of free will and finally a martyr for that free will.

Matthew (20, 12) Then there was the worker hired late in the day that got the same pay as the rest.  He helped get the project done on time - pay him well.

Matthew (21, 12) Jesus was asked if they should pay taxes to Caesar.  He say's Caesar's face is on the coins.  So, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, give to God what is God's.

John (8, 7) The adulteress.  Jesus said who will be the first to throw a stone.  No one did.

Matthew (21,2 2) and Mark (11, 15)  Jesus tips over the money changers tables saying  "My house is a house of prayer, but you are making it a den of robbers."

Oppose both the Democrats and Republicans when they pass increased taxes and more rules and regulations.  Become an active voice at all levels for smaller government and a reduction in taxes.  President Obama's plan to grow the power and control of government through huge government controlled healthcare is exactly the opposite of what Jesus would have wanted. 
President Obama and the Democrat's liberal progressive idea of socialism with more big government control and regulation will only result in the taking of your freedom through higher taxes.  Obama is a communist, a Marxist a socialist and is fast becoming fascist.  You should now be having heaps of buyer's remorse about electing someone that wants to hurt American freedom, liberty, free enterprise and to undermine our Constitution.  It's hard to admit you were led astray.  I know.  Obama wants to ruin our constitutional values and liberties.  He is packing the courts with socialist left leaning judges.  We have got to stop the leftist statists in the name of our founding fathers.
George W. Bush had blinders on.  All he could think about was to protect America from another 9-11 attack.  A war on terrorism, which is a misnomer - it's a war on terrorists.  One cannot have a war on an idea. 

Now, President Barack Hussein Obama keeps claiming the Republicans drove the economy into a ditch.  Well then it seems the Democratic Party are out to strip the whole car - I mean economy.   Some new grand theft auto meets end freedom forever game.  All we had to do was pull the economy out of the ditch.  Not part it out.  
Only once before has a government official got this intrusive and destructive.  That occurred when President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's was office.   And that was the start of the sorry socialism we have today.  Today unemployment leads to more unemployment in a vicious cycle like a snowball rolling down a hill. The world is in a deflation economy and Greater Depression.  The depression started 2000 with the dot com stock top and bust and may not end until 2016-2018.  At that time asset prices may be down 90 percent and unemployment may be 30 percent.

President Barack Hussein Obama will be happy to know that he is only the second most destructive political figure in American history after FDR. 
A new book out by Dinesh D'Souza,  “The Roots of Obama's Rage” (2010), claims President Obamas father, Barack Obama Senior was an alcoholic socialist  anticolonialist from Kenya Africa.  Obama Senior wanted Europe and the West to pay for taking advantage of the third world and taking natural resources.   Obama Junior's self-written autobiography is titled "Dreams from My Father."  So, anticolonialist,  socialist and Marxist Barack Obama Jr. absolutely wants to weaken the U.S.  Don't try and tell me different.  Junior’s anticolonialist father’s dreams are becoming our nightmare.

All the quantitative easing by the Fed (QE1 of 1.2 billion dollars) and (QE2 of 600 million dollars) thrown at our economic problem will evaporate.   Lower taxes letting business grow and hire would help but not stop the deflation.  You cannot stop a pendulum from completing its swing.   The elite have most of their money in America.  They don't want to ruin the value of their dollar holdings.  The dollar will be strong.  We are in deflation and the Greater Depression.  Inflation is not coming back soon!

Read,  “The Creature From Jekyll Island” 1994, by G. Edward Griffin.  It is about how the Anglo financial power elite secretly hatched the Federal Reserve Bank plan in 1913.  The plan was to bring the once strong and powerful America down by ruining both it's money and it's morals.  Both political parties are in on this new-world-order/one-world-government conspiracy, by the way.  Chapter 2 of Griffin's book is "Bailouts - Name of the Game".  1994!  The book also predicted how the one-world-government bunch would use climate change as a smokescreen to take your freedom and liberty. Along with all the wars which have been the biggest smokescreens.  You and I have been duped.
I am a card carrying Libertarian.  I am for small government and freedom but have a small army for defense.  Again, do no harm or fraud.

Jesus was a libertarian.  He was not for making Rome bigger and more controlling like leftists want government.   Maybe you should join the cause of free enterprise and gold backed money.  Big government is a leech sucking all the vitality out of the economy.
Do you want someone telling you and your children and your children's children what to do, where to work and what to think.  Wouldn't that be a better crusade to stop the power elite from becoming "Big Brother."  Work at making government smaller and less intrusive.

Before Roosevelt took office government was only 9% of the economy.  Now, it's one third.  It's a big cancer that politicians thought they could pay for with inflation, financial repression and fiat money.   Until now!   Cash will be king in deflation and the Greater Depression. 

Obama got the Nobel Peace prize and the one million dollars that comes with it in his first few months in office.  Why?  He had not done a thing yet.  Here's a $ 1 million.  Now, go beat up America, the constitution and American business until they just freeze up and give up trying. Then help any new-world-order/one-world government group like the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the United Nations and cap-and-trade organizations take over.  Obama got paid up front by the elite for one-world-government wet work he would do later in his term. 
Obama's policies will only make the pendulum swing further to deflation and delay a recovery.  Do the world a favor and go Libertarian or Independent.  Obama's latest Nazi fascist policies include: Ignoring two U.S. Judges who ruled that ObamaCare (euthanasia) is unconstitutional, forging his latest birth certificate, ruling DOMA (Defense of Mariage Act) unconstitutional, not abiding by the War Powers Act in the military action in Libya, the murder martyr of Osama bin Ladin (the last time I looked "Thou shalt not kill" was still one of the 10 Commandments) and now hiring a leftist media czar, Jesse Lee, on the taxpayers dime to spin-doctor any adverse media coverage leading up to the 2012 presidential election. 

Let's make sure money is privately controlled and backed by gold.  Keep government and central banks away from fiat money creation.  They are the modern day money changers.   No wonder Jesus was libertarian.

Copyright 2011 by Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU
Use of this article allowed with attribution back to:

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