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Friday, February 18, 2011

Impeach President Obama Before It Is Too Late!

By Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU

Impeach President Barack Hussein Obama, he is out of control! Obama's policies of raising our taxes, bailing out Wall Street, bailing out the car companies, spending like a drunken sailor and passing the bloated health care reform act are hastening deflation and the advance of the Greater Depression. All this growth of government is making business people feel insecure. No wonder they are not hiring. Now, his disobeying of U.S. District Court Judge Roger Vinson's ruling ObamaCare unconstitutional, plus Obama's failure to produce a legal doctor signed long-form birth certificate require Articles of Impeachment be filed aginst him ASAP for the serious crime of sedition.

The short-form certification of live birth he produced appears to be done on a lazer jet printer (they were done by typewriter back on August 4, 1961-Obama's birth date), it is not signed by a doctor and it is dated June 6, 2007 on the back. Obama has spent over $1 million blocking citizen lawsuits seeking to force him to prove his exact place of birth. Where is the long-form one?

Our Constitution and our liberty hang in the balance. If we don't all hang together on this we will all hang separately as a totalitarian government takes more and more control of our lives. Sedition is the going apart or against a countries rules, regulations, judicial system and constitution. To "...prevent hinder or delay the execution of any law of the United States" the parties that have done so it can be argued have engaged in a Seditious Conspirtacy. Sedition carries up to a 20 year jail term and fine and for sure empeachment.

Our founding fathers put safeguards in the Constitution to prevent another kingdom, aristocracy or dictatorship. Guess what Barack Hussein Obama is trying to do? Make us buy his health care only and be fined and possibly go to prison if we don't. Last year, Federal Judge Henry Hudsen ruled that the health care act was actually a tax. Obama had maintained that it was not a tax. Liar!

Now, Judge Vinson has ruled the individual mandate part of ObamaCare unconstitutional. The individual mandate is the requiring of us to buy only government health insurance and be fined if we don't buy it. Since there was no severability clause in the act, the whole Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act - aka ObamaCare - is unconstitutional. The Leftist Democrats were in such a rush to grow the size of government (health care is 16 % of our economy) they forgot to ad a severability clause saying if one part of the bill was found to be unconstitutional the rest of the bill would continue.

The United States Constitution does not force us to do something that we were not already doing. ObamaCare also exceeds Congress' interstate commerce powers.
Judge Vinson bravely followed long standing precedent and centuries of case law in making his ruling. Everything this socialist totalitarian Obama does is tyranny. Think Hitler if you don't know what I am talking about.

This is his third sedition by my count. The first is his refusal to furnish a legal long-form certificate of live birth and thereby prove he is really a U.S. citizen. The second was his defiance of a Federal Court order ruling he could not declare a drilling moratorium during the gulf oil well leak disaster. Obama ignored the judge and stopped all drilling in the gulf putting thousands of U.S. citizens out of work in the process. Now, Obama is directly disobeying another Federal Judge.

No matter how bad deflation and the Greater Depression get in the coming years, we had better protect our Constitution or we will lose all our freedom and liberty.

As government expands - liberty contracts. by Ronald Reagan

Impeach President Obama - a fraud and a seditonist!
Sign a petition at

Copyright 2011 by Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU
Use of this article allowed with attribution back to:

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