You need to learn about the one world government conspiracy by the Anglo American financial power elite - it is the biggest story in the universe. It is a nefarious and insidious plan by a corrupt bunch of some 1,100 mega wealthy multi-generational central banking families who have been using a "Directed History" in a terrible terrifying totalitarian takeover plan for at least the last 150 years and possibly for the last 500 years. THINK MAFIA!!!
These elite who now own or control all 110 central banks and most of the main stream press of the world have been printing fiat money out of thin air, lending to both sides of warring nations and causing financial and governmental disruption to get totally rich as they steer world events on a path which suits their world domination agenda. The elite plan to be pharaohs, kings and lords with you and I their pawns, serfs and slaves in a new kind of feudalism.
Beware the financial power elite unholy plan for global governance as this collectivist conspiracy may have a - New Dark Ages - world depopulation result if we don't act to forestall a real life "Big Brother," New World Order and one world government nightmare. Their ungodly end-game scheme is to reduce the world population to save the remaining natural resources for their own.
The financial power elite evil modus operandi is always create problems and then offer bigger one world government as the only solution. The powers-that-be use a cleverly disguised tool called the Hegelian Dialectic to manipulate people's minds. They set up two opposing ideas and let a debate happen mostly on their wholly controlled press services. The dominate social theme of the problem is usually fear-based and the outcome is always directed by the elite toward a bigger government solution. In reality, gigantic government growth has always cost more, been inefficient and meant loss of freedom. The NWO plots results which are always - Out of chaos comes order - A NEW WORLD ORDER!
Socialism leading to big government does not end in a nirvana, utopia or a Shangri la. It ends with the dreadful recently approved "Indefinite Detention Bill" NDAA: The National Defense Authorization Act passed 12/20/2011 by an 86 to 13 vote in the US Senate allows American citizens to be thrown in FEMA prison camps with no charge, trial, attorney even allowed or court trial for that matter. It also ends with you and your children and your children's children being told what to do, what to think, where to live and where to work cradle to grave with no freedom or liberty forevermore.
Our only hope is the truth told by the "Internet Reformation." Just like the Gutenberg printing press spawned the Renaissance 500 years ago by cheaply printing bibles and other books in the common mans language instead of Greek and Latin as the Catholic Church was wont to do back then. In addition, the problem of central banksters getting rich on inflation will not be over until there is a privately run gold backed money. Only gold is not someone else's debt. Only gold is honest. Do not let government control the issuance of money ever again! They always inflate!
This is not what our freedom favoring founding fathers had in mind when they drafted the United States Constitution.
Shame on the elite and their enablers like the military industrial complex, their crooked crony capitalists along with the corrupt churches. Also, shame on the bigoted breeding grounds of the elite the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group. How can they justify the one world government as being inevitable? That is a cop-out! How can they even go to church or pray when they know in their heart they are a member of an anti-Christ, anti-Mohammed and anti-Buddha anti-human one world government conspiracy? Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Salomans, Warburgs, Schiffs, Oppenheimers, Barack Hussein Obama, George Soros etc. are in league with tyranny. NWO it is bad karma killing Kennedy's along with 120,000,000 people in the 20th Century to advance the new world order elitist scheme..
Total world control by the United Nations, the Bank for International Settlements, the World Monetary Fund with NATO and the International Criminal Court to do the heavy lifting is next. We don't need a new world government politburo!
Manipulation, murder, mayhem and massacre have been the elite’s playbook. Their scheme is rotten to the core. A pox on the elite!
Let's not let this be the story of our civilization - the same dire result as the aftermath of Rome. Stand up to the globalists!
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Copyright 2012 by Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU
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