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Saturday, July 30, 2011

President Obama Birth Certificate Forgery

President Obama Birth Certificate Fake Forgery - Sedition And Treason

By Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU

There is considerable evidence released President Obama birth certificate is forgery!  See videos above from graphics designer and a person who knows his way around Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.  Document was pasted up in layers and even some numbers don't look like the others. 

After over three years Barack Hussein Obama has apparently released a fake President Obama Birth Certificate on 4/27/2011. Finally! Why did it take so long?  Obama's habit of not following our country's rules, laws and Constitution is still sedition. Over three years of sedition and treason. Treason is not being loyal to one's country.  In his speech about it, he said the State of Hawaii has released his birth certificate.  Hospitals furnish them, not states.  Let's see a copy of his application for it.  In addition, the certificate has no official seal stamp and indicates his father's race as African.  Huh?  In 1961 they would have written negro - not African.  African refers to a continent - not a race.  Besides, there are lots of white Africans.  Also, video above shows pasting of two different backgrounds. 

Webster's dictionary defines sedition as going against one's country's laws, rules and regulations. Treason is disloyalty to one's country. Both are very closely related. Sedition has up to a 20 year jail sentence plus fine. Treason can even have the death penalty.

Article 2, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution says:
"No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President."

Our founding fathers were fearful of a rich lord, duke, earl or other rich foreigner would come over to the new nation of America and "buy" his way into the presidency. That's the reason why "natural born" was added to the Constitution.

To become President you must be born here or have at least one parent who is an American citizen who is legally qualified to transmit citizenship to their children.  President Obama's father, Barack Obama, Senior, was a British subject of Kenya, Africa origin. Stanley Ann Dunham (18 years old at the time of Junior's birth) - Junior's mother - subsequently divorced Obama Senior, remarried and moved to Indonesia with Junior. The law requires any U.S. citizen having a child with a non-citizen to have been physically present in the United States for at least five years after the age of sixteen. Therefore, Obama Jr. can only be President if he were actually born in the United States.

President Obama's birth certificate's legal costs are over one million dollars of his own money fighting citizen-based lawsuits striving to force him to prove he is a natural born citizen.  Why wasn't he vetted in the first place? Republican candidate John McCain was. Why would he spend a million dollars to hide the truth? Wouldn't you just release a true Hawaiian long-form copy rather than lose a million dollars? I know I would.

Obama got one million dollars with the Nobel Peace Prize. He received the Nobel after just 2 months in office. Why? Obama hadn't done anything and he gets the Nobel Peace Prize? I think it was an up front down payment by the world leftist elite for the one-world-government/new-world-order "wet work" Obama would be doing later to ruin America's economy, grow socialism, grow the size of government and take our freedom and liberty. "Big Brother" Obama has hammered the Constitution and weakened the United States in every way he can.

His latest speech, April 13, 2011, was re-election propaganda "talking to the center."  Charles Krauthammer, Washington Week, called the speech lies, a disgrace and hyper-partisan. I noticed Obama used the word invest or investments 12 times in the pandering-to-the-left speech. When has the government invested in anything and made a profit or produced a product or service that was even close to what the free market could produce? "Investment" is covert communist code comrade for more government spending.  Right out of the Marxism 101 handbook!

As of 3/20/2011, President Obama's approval rating in a recent poll has dropped to 46%.  A new low for the renegade rogue President Barack Hussein Obama - fascist.  Fascism is when a leader beats business people and the military into submission and then runs right over the judicial, legislative and executive branches of the government.  He is doing that right now!  Think Hitler if you want to know how Webster's dictionary defines fascism.

Remarkably, 13 states are considering legislation requiring proof of an original birth certificate before candidates are allowed to be placed on the ballot. Tennessee is the latest, and many are well on the way to implementing the rule.

Jon Meacham, Random House, and co-host of the new PBS (Public Broadcasting System) show "Need To Know" came out throwing cold water on Donald Trump's statements abouut Obama's birth certificate..  In his "In Perspective" segment, Meacham said Barack Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961.  How does he know?  Was he there?  On 4/29/2011, Meacham came out in favor of a radical Obama plan requiring that all contractors winning work with Washington will have to disclose what political contributions they have made.  This is Marxism 101.  More government intrusion.  Downright fascism.  If you donated to the other political party, is your bid thrown in the trash?
The "Need To Know" program should mind their own left-wing Marxist knitting. It seems the program took over the time-slot vacated in 2010 by the end of Bill Moyer's Journal. Bill Moyer used to get absolutely giddy on his program about the ascent of big government and socialism.

Currently there is a bill pending in Washington de funding public TV and radio. Maybe taxpayer support should be withdrawn from public TV and radio if they are going to be preaching socialism, thinly disguised communism and protecting a lying, fraudulent fascist President Obama. It was entrepreneurs, free enterprise, private property rights, capitalism and the Constitution that made America great.  I know I'm not going to donate to PBS anymore.

A new book by Jerome Corsi, "Where's The Birth Certificate", is scheduled to be released May 17, 2011.  Written before Obama's birth certificate was released on 4/28/11, it purports to have proof Obama was not "natural born."  It's already on the best seller list at

Do not re-elect President Obama, socialist/Marxist/communist - now morphing into a fascist ever again. I'm serious!

If government takes away our rights to free speech, religion, assembly, press and to own guns, then it's only a matter of time before a rogue, lawless government comes after our personal freedoms.  Let's not let Obama further ruin our Constitution.

Impeachment is probably impossible because of the Democrat majority in the Senate - even for the President Obama birth certificate fake forgery.  Don't elect tyrant Obama again!

Copyright 2011 by Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU
Use of this article allowed with attribution back to:

Important to your and the world's survival.

President Obama Birth Certificate Forgery

President Obama Birth Certificate Forgery

Friday, July 15, 2011

President Obama Marxist

Why President Obama Marxist Polices Will Make Deflation Worse.

By Delwyn Lounsbury  -  THE DEFLATION GURU

President Obama Marxist actions include growing government's size, raising taxes, bashing business, redistributing wealth, socialism and a fetish for using Czars to run the parts of his administration.

Karl Heinrich Marx (May 5, 1818 - March 14, 1883) wrote The Communist Manifesto.  In it he said socialism would replace capitalism in a stateless and classless society of pure communism and worker's state. 

"The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles." (The Communist Manifesto - Chapter 1)
Relatively unknown in his own lifetime, his influence grew with the Bolshevik takeover in the Russian revolution in 1917.  The strong arm tactics of Joseph Stalin, Lenin and subsequent Russian leaders continues.

President Obama Marxist principles are limiting private property rights, raising inheritance taxes and government control of individuals and companies.  When Obama says "investment" the meaning is government spending adding to the national debt with no hope of ever getting the money back.

President Obama Marxist and socialist Czars in his administration:  They do not require Congressional approval and there was little press coverage of their appointments or their history.  These new powerful positions are right out of the communist’s playbook.  If the American people knew President Obama had brought in so many leftist radicals they would be very upset.  Mainstream liberal media continues to look the other way.

1.  Afghanistan Czar:  Richard Holbrooke - pro abortion, pro legalization of drug use, anti second amendment.

2.  Aids Czar:  Jeffrey Crowley - Homosexual & gay rights activist and a believer in free health care for gays.

3.  Auto recovery Czar:  Ed Montgomery - Anti business black and a radical activist, ACORN board member, Communist DuBois Club.

4.  Boarder Czar:  Alan Bersin - Ultra liberal was boarder czar under Janet Reno and favors open boarder to illegal aliens.

5.  California Water Czar:  David J. Hayes Sr. - Radical "Progress Policy" member with no experience in water mgt.

6.  Car Czar:  Ron Bloom - Anti business & anti nuclear.  Sits on Chrysler's Board which is now Auto Union owned.  Why?

7.  Central Region Czar: Dennis Ross - Anti gun & pro abortion.

8.  Domestic Violence Czar:  Lynn Rosenthal - anti male feminist supported male castration.

9.  Drug Czar:  Gil Kerlikowske - anti gun, supports legal drugs.

10. Economic Czar:  Paul Volker - Former head of FED (a monopoly & cartel), member anti business "Progressive Policy" org.

11. Energy & Environment Czar:  Carol Brower - Political radical

12. Faith-Based Czar:  Joshua DuBois - Black political activist.

13. Great Lakes Czar:  Caneron Davis - Anti business, no experience and former ACORN board member.

14. Green Jobs Czar:  Van Jones (recently resigned) - Communist

15. Guantanamo Closure Czar:  Daniel Fried - Rights for foreign terrorist, believes U.S. caused the terrorism problem.

16. Health Czar:  Nancy-Ann DeParle - For health care rationing.

17. Information Czar:  Vivek Kundra - Monitors internet etc.

18. Intelligence Czar:  Todd Stern - Anti Business & he is for Cap & Trade, blames U.S. business for global warming.

19. Intelligence Czar:  Dennis Blair - Chair of ultra liberal pro one-world government "Council on Foreign Relations."

20. Mid east Peace Czar:  George Mitchell - Left wing, anti nuclear and anti gun.

21. Pay Czar:  Kenneth Feinberg - Worked for Ted Kennedy & got rich handling the 911 victim’s payoffs.

22. Regulatory Czar:  Cass Sunstein - Liberal & anti freedom.

23. Science Czar:  John Holdren - Anti business, has no scientific training.

24. Stimulus Accountability Czar:  Earl Devaney - anti gun, open boarder.

25. Sudan Czar:  J. Scott Gration - Wants more money for UN.

26. TARP Czar:  Herb Allison - Was bankrupt Fannie Mae CEO.

27. Terrorism Czar:  John Brennan - Anti CIA & anti military.

28. Technology Czar:  Aneesh Chopra - No tech training, pro health care rationing.

29. Weapons Czar:  Ashton Carter - Leftist, anti gun.

30. Weapons of Mass Destruction Policy Czar:  Gary Samore - Former communist.

Copyright 2011 by Delwyn Lounsbury
Use of this article allowed with attribution back to: 



President Obama Marxist

Why President Obama Marxist Polices Will Make Deflation Worse.

By Delwyn Lounsbury  -  THE DEFLATION GURU

President Obama Marxist actions include growing government's size, raising taxes, bashing business, redistributing wealth, socialism and a fetish for using Czars to run the parts of his administration.

Karl Heinrich Marx (May 5, 1818 - March 14, 1883) wrote The Communist Manifesto.  In it he said socialism would replace capitalism in a stateless and classless society of pure communism and worker's state. 

"The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles." (The Communist Manifesto - Chapter 1)
Relatively unknown in his own lifetime, his influence grew with the Bolshevik takeover in the Russian revolution in 1917.  The strong arm tactics of Joseph Stalin, Lenin and subsequent Russian leaders continues.

President Obama Marxist principles are limiting private property rights, raising inheritance taxes and government control of individuals and companies.  When Obama says "investment" the meaning is government spending adding to the national debt with no hope of ever getting the money back.

President Obama Marxist and socialist Czars in his administration:  They do not require Congressional approval and there was little press coverage of their appointments or their history.  These new powerful positions are right out of the communist’s playbook.  If the American people knew President Obama had brought in so many leftist radicals they would be very upset.  Mainstream liberal media continues to look the other way.

1.  Afghanistan Czar:  Richard Holbrooke - pro abortion, pro legalization of drug use, anti second amendment.

2.  Aids Czar:  Jeffrey Crowley - Homosexual & gay rights activist and a believer in free health care for gays.

3.  Auto recovery Czar:  Ed Montgomery - Anti business black and a radical activist, ACORN board member, Communist DuBois Club.

4.  Boarder Czar:  Alan Bersin - Ultra liberal was boarder czar under Janet Reno and favors open boarder to illegal aliens.

5.  California Water Czar:  David J. Hayes Sr. - Radical "Progress Policy" member with no experience in water mgt.

6.  Car Czar:  Ron Bloom - Anti business & anti nuclear.  Sits on Chrysler's Board which is now Auto Union owned.  Why?

7.  Central Region Czar: Dennis Ross - Anti gun & pro abortion.

8.  Domestic Violence Czar:  Lynn Rosenthal - anti male feminist supported male castration.

9.  Drug Czar:  Gil Kerlikowske - anti gun, supports legal drugs.

10. Economic Czar:  Paul Volker - Former head of FED (a monopoly & cartel), member anti business "Progressive Policy" org.

11. Energy & Environment Czar:  Carol Brower - Political radical

12. Faith-Based Czar:  Joshua DuBois - Black political activist.

13. Great Lakes Czar:  Caneron Davis - Anti business, no experience and former ACORN board member.

14. Green Jobs Czar:  Van Jones (recently resigned) - Communist

15. Guantanamo Closure Czar:  Daniel Fried - Rights for foreign terrorist, believes U.S. caused the terrorism problem.

16. Health Czar:  Nancy-Ann DeParle - For health care rationing.

17. Information Czar:  Vivek Kundra - Monitors internet etc.

18. Intelligence Czar:  Todd Stern - Anti Business & he is for Cap & Trade, blames U.S. business for global warming.

19. Intelligence Czar:  Dennis Blair - Chair of ultra liberal pro one-world government "Council on Foreign Relations."

20. Mid east Peace Czar:  George Mitchell - Left wing, anti nuclear and anti gun.

21. Pay Czar:  Kenneth Feinberg - Worked for Ted Kennedy & got rich handling the 911 victim’s payoffs.

22. Regulatory Czar:  Cass Sunstein - Liberal & anti freedom.

23. Science Czar:  John Holdren - Anti business, has no scientific training.

24. Stimulus Accountability Czar:  Earl Devaney - anti gun, open boarder.

25. Sudan Czar:  J. Scott Gration - Wants more money for UN.

26. TARP Czar:  Herb Allison - Was bankrupt Fannie Mae CEO.

27. Terrorism Czar:  John Brennan - Anti CIA & anti military.

28. Technology Czar:  Aneesh Chopra - No tech training, pro health care rationing.

29. Weapons Czar:  Ashton Carter - Leftist, anti gun.

30. Weapons of Mass Destruction Policy Czar:  Gary Samore - Former communist.

Copyright 2011 by Delwyn Lounsbury
Use of this article allowed with attribution back to: 




Why Obama 2012 Win Will Make Deflation and the Greater Depression Worse

By Dr. Walter Williams

Can President Obama be defeated in 2012? No. He can't. I am going on record as saying that President Barack Obama will win a second term.

The media won't tell you this because a good election campaign means hundreds of millions (or in Obama's case billions) of dollars to them in advertising.

But the truth is, there simply are no conditions under which Barack Obama can be defeated in 2012.

The quality of the Republican candidate doesn't matter. Obama gets reelected.  Nine percent unemployment?   No problem. Obama will win.  Gas prices moving toward five dollars a gallon?  He still wins. The economy soars or goes into the gutter. Obama wins. War in the Middle East?  He wins a second term.

America's role as the leading Superpower disappears? Hurrah for Barack Obama! The U.S. government rushes toward bankruptcy, the dollar continues to sink on world markets and the price of daily goods and services soars due to inflation fueled by Obama's extraordinary deficit spending? Obama wins handily.

You are crazy Williams. Don't you understand how volatile politics can be when overall economic, government, and world conditions are declining? Sure I do.

And that's why I know Obama will win. The American people are notoriously ignorant of economics. And economics is the key to why Obama should be defeated.

Even when Obama's policies lead the nation to final ruin, the majority of the American people are going to believe the bait-and-switch tactics Obama and his supporters in the media will use to explain why it isn't his fault. After all, things were much worse than understood when he took office.

Obama's reelection is really a very, very simple math problem. Consider the following:

1) Blacks will vote for Obama blindly - Period. Doesn't matter what he does. It's a race thing. He's one of us,

2) College educated women will vote for Obama. Though they will be offended by this, they swoon at his oratory. It's really not more complex than that,

3) Liberals will vote for Obama. He is their great hope,

4) Democrats will vote for Obama. He is the leader of their party and his coat tails will carry them to victory nationwide,

5) Hispanics will vote for Obama. He is the path to citizenship for those who are illegal and Hispanic leaders recognize the political clout they carry in the Democratic Party,

6) Union members will vote overwhelmingly for Obama. He is their key to money and power in business, state and local politics,

7) Big Business will support Obama. They already have. He has almost $1 Billion dollars in his reelection purse gained largely from his connections with Big Business and is gaining more everyday. Big Business loves Obama because he gives them access to taxpayer money so long as they support his social and political agenda,

8) The media love him. They may attack the people who work for him, but they love him. After all, to not love him would be racist,

9) Most other minorities and special interest groups will vote for him. Oddly, the overwhelming majority of Jews and Muslims will support him because they won't vote Republican. American Indians will support him. Obviously homosexuals tend to vote Democratic. And lastly,

10) Approximately half of independents will vote for Obama. And he doesn't need anywhere near that number because he has all of the groups previously mentioned. The President will win an overwhelming victory in 2012.

-- Dr. Walter Williams

Obituary-Very Interesting!

Born 1776, Died 2008

It doesn't hurt to read this several times.

Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law in St. Paul,  Minnesota , points out some interesting facts concerning the last Presidential election:

Number of States won by: Obama: 19 McCain: 29
Square miles of land won by: Obama: 580,000 McCain: 2,427,000
Population of counties won by: Obama: 127 million McCain: 143 million
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Obama: 13.2 McCain: 2.1
Professor Olson adds: "In aggregate, the map of the territory McCain won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country.

Obama territory mostly encompassed these citizens living in low income tenements and living off various forms of government welfare..."

Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the "complacency and apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy, with some forty percent of the nation's population already having reached the "governmental dependency" phase.

If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal invaders called illegals - and they vote -then we can say goodbye to the USA in fewer than five years.

If you are in favor of this, then by all means, delete this message.

If you are not, then pass this along to help everyone realize just how much is at stake, knowing that apathy is the greatest danger to our freedom.

Dr. Walter Williams
Why Obama 2012 Win Will Make Deflation and the Greater Depression Worse.
Posted by
Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU


President Obama Is Indonesian Citizen

This morning I e-mailed the following letter to Senator McConnell:

February 15, 2011

Dear Senator McConnell,

I am writing to you as Senate Minority Leader, representing me as a Republican.

America has a non-documented, non-naturalized, Indonesian citizen-dual citizen usurper sitting in the White House, Barack Hussein Obama/Soebarkah/Barry Soetoro.  His mother Ann Dunham Soetoro listed him on her 1965 passport #F777788, issued July 19, 1965, renewed July 18, 1970, as Barack Hussein Obama and also as Soebarkah.  His Indonesian step-father Lolo Soetoro gave him his name Barry Soetoro when he adopted him and entered Barry in an Indonesian school.

There is a vast difference between ‘citizen’ and ‘natural-born Citizen’ as required by the Constitution to be eligible for President and Vice-President.

Obama/Soebarkah/Barry Soetoro admits he was born of a foreign father who was born a British subject of a British colony and then became a Kenyan citizen, but Obama Sr. was NEVER a U.S. American citizen.  Obama/Soebarkah/Barry Soetoro is therefore NOT a NATURAL-BORN citizen.  If America is to believe the usurper’s claimed-but-not-proven-parentage, he was not eligible to run for President in 2008, under our U.S. Constitutional requirements.  You, all of congress and the Supreme Court have defied our Constitution, by allowing this fraud and deception to continue in the Oval office of the people’s White House.

Obama/Soebarkah/Barry Soetoro’s purported mother, Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro (there is no long-form birth certificate provided to prove that she actually gave birth to him) was too young to confer U.S. citizenship on Obama at birth, since she was not yet 19 years old as required by law when he was born in August, 1961.  At best he is an “anchor-baby”, and a DUAL-CITIZEN.  There is no evidence that after he was adopted by his step-father Lolo Soetoro and entered in an Indonesian school listing Indonesian citizenship for him that he ever naturalized himself as an American citizen.

Please live up to the oath you took to our Constitution, Article. II, Section 1, that “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.”

The Constitution was read aloud in the House recently.  During that reading a courageous woman named Theresa Cao called out at the time those very words above were read, “Except Obama, except Obama, help us, Jesus!”  Her cry was the cry of millions of Americans who believe Obama/Soebarkah/Soetoro is illegally holding the office of the President and Commander-in-Chief.

Obama/Soebarkah/Soetoro has spent millions to hide his birth certificate and all his life documents, and he has withheld those documents, that would have exonerated a military hero, much-decorated combat veteran LTC Dr. Terrence Lakin, who now languishes in Fort Leavenworth military prison without income, without pension, without rank, because the usurper hides his documentation.

Former-speaker Pelosi sent 2 different certification forms to the Secretaries-of-State, 49 of them were lacking the crucial Constitutional requirement paragraph.  Why did Former-speaker Pelosi certify to documents lacking the verbiage about Constitutional eligibility?

Obama/Soebarkah/Soetoro used a Social Security number 042-68-4425 which was issued by the State of Connecticut in March, 1977 and was connected to someone born in 1890.  Just how did the usurper obtain that SSN issued by Connecticut when he never lived in Connecticut, and no other state was allowed to issue that number?

You can verify that Obama/Soebarkah/Soetoro used SSN 042-68-4425 to register for the draft, by going to the Selective Service website:

and entering:


and up will come Obama’s Selective Service number 61-1125539-1:

Last Name: obama
Social Security Number: *** – ** – 4425
Date of Birth: 08/04/1961
Selective Service Number:
Date of Registration

Senator McConnell, please live up to your oath to the Constitution to protect the U.S. from all enemies foreign and domestic, and investigate Obama/Soebarkah/Soetoro’s fraudulent Presidential campaign, which under the Constitution REQUIRES the President to be a NATURAL-BORN CITIZEN.

Please uphold the principles of our Founding Fathers and our Constitution.

Senator McConnell, please do not turn a deaf-ear and a blind-eye and brush aside and disregard this eligibility Constitutional crisis.

Please take action to have Obama/Soebarkah/Soetoro’s original, non-forged, long-form, parent-signed, doctor-signed and registrar-signed, birth certificate subpoenaed, along with his SS-5 application form for his Connecticut SSN, and provide them to the American people.

This issue of Obama/Soebarkah/Soetoro’s ineligibility for President is not going away.  The American people in their millions will not let you or congress or the supreme court sweep it under the rug.  There are 10 states working on passing state laws to require proof of Constitutional eligibility in time for the 2012 election.


Paula Hoehn
Coos Bay, OR

Post Published: 16 February 2011
Author: halo
Found in section: Uncategorized

Tags: ann dunham obama, Barack, barack hussein obama, birth, citizen, Constitution, kenyan citizen, office, senate minority leader, Senator McConnell, service, usurper


Why Is President Obama Bankrupting The United States?

Why Is President Obama Bankrupting America?

By Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU

To President Obama bankrupting America fits into his plan to grow the size of government and thus make more people dependent on the state. Once his ObamaCare, amnesty to aliens and anti-business job-destroying massive tax increases take effect America will be bankrupt financially, morally, culturally and spiritually.

Obama's first Chief of Staff was Rahm Emanuel (he resigned 10/1/2010 to run for Mayor of Chicago). In addition to having an abrasive personality and a foul mouth, he will probably be remembered most for saying, "A crisis is a terrible thing to waste." A crisis gives a reason for existence and a savior mentality to all the leftist bureaucrats, politicians, agencies, workers and organizations. A chance to, "Do things that they normally could not do," is what Rahm Emanuel later told a liberal audience at a speaking engagement.

The deflation economy nosedive leading into the GREATER DEPRESSION is the crown jewel of a crisis. What a stroke of luck having control of both houses of Congress. Obama and the Democrats can pass whatever legislation they want. They pass laws with out even reading them or writing them for that matter. They vote for anything as long as it grows the size and scope of government. This is socialism run amok.
President Obama bankrupting America with socialist wealth redistribution, increased taxes, meddling and Marxism are terrible mistakes. But, that is his plan - to bring our country down so a one-world-government/new-world-order can take over. This smacks of fascism also. Fascism is when government totally controls everything - especially business and the military. Hitler and Mussolini were fascists. In fact, Hitler's government was called the NATIONAL SOCIALIST GERMAN WORKERS' PARTY.

A new book, ROOTS OF OBAMA'S RAGE, by Dinesh D'Souza maintains President Obama has an anticolonialist agenda attributable to his alcoholic African socialist father Barack Obama Senior. Barack Obama Junior's self-written autobiography is even titled DREAMS FROM MY FATHER. So, don't tell me otherwise.

According to D'Souza, Obama Senior hated Britain and the other nations of the West (U.S. included) for invading, pillaging, looting and occupying the third world countries like his native country Kenya. Obama Junior wants federal oversight of all aspects of American business and plans to tax and regulate them for ripping off the rest of the worlds resources. The dreams of Obama Sr. are fast becoming our nightmare.

Business has caught on to the fact that he is out to get them. Businesses are so uncertain and afraid that they have slowed down expanding, hiring, borrowing, leasing, lending and buying. Obamanomics has cost taxpayers one trillion dollars plus now another $600 billion in QE2 stimulus. Still unemployment is close to 10 percent. 41 million Americans are receiving food stamps. That figure is up a whopping 45 percent since Obama took office in 2008. What a great way to make the jobless GREATER DEPRESSION worse-increase the budget deficit with no end in site, scare the pants off business people and put everyone else on the dole.

ObamaCare is a prime example. It means government will be suddenly taking over one sixth of a free market economy. When has government involvement not made things more inefficient, more costly and with worse service and more red tape? Rationing will have to happen. Provisions of the 3,500+ page act require businesses to file a separate IRS code 1099 for each and every transaction over $600 and levy a new 3.8 percent tax on gains on real estate investment after 2012 plus the hiring of an additional 16,000 IRS agents. More job killing rules, taxes and red tape. Just look at the U.S. postal system or state DMV if you want to know what I mean. Now, the Obama administration is letting many groups like the teachers union opt-out of the system. Weren't they the ones paying for the ads in favor of nationalized heath care?  Wasn't the idea to get as much of the population covered as possible?  They why are the President and his administration staff, both houses of congress and the military not required to join the ObamaCare plan.

So, the reason President Obama is bankrupting the United States, according to Dinesh D'Souza, is to get America to return ill gotten gains. Obama wants to raise taxes on the rich. He is forcing the big corporations back into line with mountains of federal over site, regulations, and reams of new laws, wealth redistribution and burdensome increased taxes. Unfortunately, Juniors anticolonialist thinking also means lowering our standard of living, being sympathetic to muslim (freedom fighters), reducing nuclear defenses by 2/3, not blocking Iran's nuclear ambitions, bowing to foreign dignitaries, killing jobs and anything else that will get America wraped up around the axle. He wants a weaker  U.S. economy so government can get more control. Also, don't think for a minute that your taxes will not go up.  We will all have to pay more to support those that will be getting a free ride thanks to Barack Hussein Obama. 
We ought to change our country's name to the UNITED STATES OF DENIAL.

Why did it take so long to plug the Gulf oil well? Obama wanted it to last. Don't forget President Obama bankrupting the US is his mission in life. The whole country is laying down like an old dog while he continues to work to pass all kinds of programs to hurt the oil industry, halt new oil drilling, make carbon dioxide a toxic green house gas and pass cap-and-trade taxes. His new rules and restrictions will absolutely slay jobs. These are a smokescreen for more one-world-government and more taking of our FREEDOM. At the beginning of the spill other countries offered to loan us their oil skimmer boats. He delayed giving a presidential OK to suspend the Brown Act for months. This meant not allowing the foreign oil cleanup boats to leave port and help with our problem.  The Brown Act controls boats in U.S. waters and harbors. George W. Bush suspended it in just days after hurricane Katrina hit.

A disturbing turn of events over at the IMF, International Monetary Fund, hints at an expanded role for this world organization as "BIG BROTHER" and controller of the purse strings for the G-20 nations. They are quoted as saying their mission is to build "peace through economic stability." HA! HA! I'm telling you right now it is a one-world-government/new-world-order fascist plot and we had better watch out for these power elite demagogues.  Dominique Strauss-Khan the head of the IMF had to step down in May of 2011 due to his sexual attack on a New York City hotel maid.  Anyway, watch out for the World Bank or even a new Cap-and-Trade entity taking over the role of “Big Brother.”  A world government would end our freedom and liberty.  Beware!

Why do you think Obama got the Nobel peace prize and the one million dollars that goes with it the first few months in office? Without doing anything!  It was an up front down payment from the power elite to their socialist secret agent for all the one-world-government fascism wet work Obama would be doing later on in his term in office.   Hitman Obama is weakening and ruining America with fascism, socialism,  Marxism and wealth redistribution as he grows the size of government and increases control over American citizens. Right under our noses! You had better find out more about President Obama bankrupting America before it is too late. And don't think all of our taxes won't go up.

This is all part of a bankster power elite control conspiracy that has been going on since they set up their first agent of America's destruction the Federal Reserve back in 1913. Remarkably, it was the job of the Federal Reserve to ruin the once strong America and weaken it's currency under the smokescreen of economic crisis, wars and now climate change mania. Thanks to fraudulent leaders like Franklin Roosevelt carrying on the banner of socialism and huge government the dollar is now only worth 4 cents. 

Hitler and Mussolini praised FDR's "New Deal," by the way. The job of making the dollar weak and making America policeman and foreign aid giver of the world was accomplished. The problem is you and I are losing our freedoms and making us more dependent on big government. Those were the main agendas when the financial power elite created the Federal Reserve. It happened so slowly we hardly noticed. On our watch the constitution is being sabotaged!

Read “THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND” - A Second Look at the Federal Reserve 1994, by G. Edward Griffin if you don't believe me. Both American political parties are in on the conspiracy, by the way. Every word is true! Chapter two is titled "Bailouts Name of the Game." We the taxpayers pay and go deeper in debt with each bailout. We have been duped. It's a big myth. The Federal Reserve is not even federal or a bank or subject to an audit. It's a private corporation. Who owns it - the Rothchilds, the Morgans, the Warburgs, the Goldmans?  The control freak elite banksters historically have financed both sides of wars all throughout history.  They are the culprits.  Now, they've got their boy President Obama bankrupting the once strong America in a deflation economy leading into the GREATER DEPRESSION.  What unfortunate timing.

Watch out!  President Obama bankrupting the once strong America will lead to unholy alliances with the following dirty devils and one-world-government front organizations: IMF (International Monetary Fund), Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Nations, United Nations, World Bank, G-20 and finally any new world cap-and-trade organization they try to come up with will be the "straw that breaks the economy's back."

PS The GREATER DEPRESSION started in 2000 with the dot com stock climax and crash and will last into 2016-2020 and will mean a drop of 90 percent in most assets and 30 percent unemployment.

Copyright 2010 by Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU      
Use of this article allowed with attribution back to:


Obama Birth Certificate Fraud Forgery Fake

Obama Birth Certificate Fraud Forgery Fake Controversy
By Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU

The killing of Osama Bin Ladin has diverted attention from Obama been forgin'.  If a Republican had done this much malfeasance, mark my words, he would have been tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail.  The liberal press just looks the other way while renegade rogue President Obama does what he pleases to ruin America’s economy and trample on our Constitution in every way he can. "Thou shalt not kill" one of the 10 COMANDMENTS!

The Obama birth certificate fraud and forgery controversy continues.  See videos from graphics designers and people who know their way around Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and CorelDRAW at my website.  Document may have been pasted up in 9 to 24 layers, whiteout used and even some letters and numbers look like they were done on different typewriters.  One story says it's built on someone else's 1961 certificate found on the internet. 

There are so many botches on the Obama birth certificate forgery fake fraud I had better start a list:

1. If the original document was bound (as reflected by the curvature of the left hand side), how can the green patterned background of the document's safety paper be so seamless?  Also, if it was scanned and sent on the internet it would be flat.

2. Many letters & numbers look done on different typewriters

3. Significance of the smudge in box containing name of reported attendant.

4. “This Birth” box has two mysterious X's above Twin & Triplet

5. What are the mysterious numbers, seen vertically, on the document’s right side?

6. Box #17 - mothers occupation "none" done in two different typefaces. What's up with that?

7. “Signature of Local Registrar” in box # 21 "Ukulee?"  “Ukulele” is a small Hawaiian guitar.  Was it Mr. Lee?

8. The certificate has no official embossed seal stamp. 

9. Obama's father's race was entered as African.  Huh?  In 1961 they would have written Negro - not African.  African refers to a continent - not a race.  Besides, there are lots of white Caucasians citizens in countries of Africa.

10. Overlay the two times the word OBAMA is used and the B's match exactly.  That's impossible on a typewriter.  It's like finding two snowflakes the same.  It isn't possible.

11. It says place of birth Honolulu, Oahu.  It should be Honolulu, Hawaii.  Oahu is just one island in Hawaii.

12. White boarders around most of the text, numbers and dates mean they were pasted in.

13. Kenya didn't even become independent until December 12, 1963.
The area was called the British East African Protectorate in '61.

Obama's habit of not following our country's rules, laws and Constitution is still sedition.  In fact, we have had over three years of sedition and treason from him.  Treason is not being loyal to one's country.  In his speech about the birth certificate, he said the State of Hawaii had released his birth certificate.  Hospitals furnish them, not states.  Let's see a copy of his application.  You and I would have to submit an application for a certified copy.  Wouldn't we?  It's protocol.

Webster's dictionary defines sedition as going against one's country's laws, rules and regulations.  Treason is disloyalty to one's country.  Both are very closely related.  Sedition has up to a 20 year jail sentence plus fine.  Treason can even have the death penalty.

Article 2, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution says: "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President."

Our founding fathers were fearful of a rich lord, duke, earl or other rich foreigner would come over to the new nation of America and "buy" his way into the Presidency.  That's the reason why "natural born" was added to the Constitution.

 Obama’s Hawaii birth certificate forgery appears to have been made necessary by U.S. immigration and naturalization law between 12/24/1953 and 11/8/1986.  An individual born abroad to a U.S. citizen parent married to an alien could be a “natural born citizen” only if the U.S. citizen parent had lived in the U.S. continuously for 10 years, five of which were after their 14th birthday.  Guess what?  Obama is a few months short of five.

Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was born on 11/29/1942.  Obama was allegedly born on 8/4/1961.  So, by U.S. law, Barack Hussein Obama, Junior could not have been a “natural born U.S. citizen.”  Also, even if he was born in Kenya, Obama’s mother was only 18 and could not have lived in the U.S. five years after her 14th birthday at the time of his birth.  Disqualified!

In addition, Obama's mother never petitioned the U.S. Immigration court for naturalized U.S. citizenship status (for which he did qualify).  He would still be constitutionally ineligible for the Presidency even if that had been obtained.

It's a fact that Obama got Indonesian citizenship when his mother married Indonesian national Lolo Soetoro, who adopted him and moved the family to Indonesia in 1967.  Indonesia requires it's citizens renounce all other citizenships.  He's Indonesian!

President Obama's birth certificate's legal costs are over one million dollars of his own money fighting citizen-based lawsuits striving to force him to prove he is a natural born citizen.  Why wasn't he vetted in the first place?  Republican candidate John McCain was.  Why would he spend a million dollars to hide the truth?  Wouldn't you just release a true Hawaiian long-form copy rather than lose a million dollars?  I know I would.

Obama got one million dollars with the Nobel Peace Prize.  He received the Nobel after just 2 months in office.  Why?  Obama hadn't done anything and he gets the Nobel Peace Prize?  I think it was an up-front down payment by the world leftist elite for the one-world-government/new-world-order "wet work" Obama would be doing later to ruin America's economy, grow socialism, grow the size of government and take our freedom and liberty.  "Big Brother" Obama has hammered the Constitution and weakened the United States in every way he can.

His latest speech, April 13, 2011, was re-election propaganda "talking to the center." Charles Krauthammer, Washington Week, called the speech lies, a disgrace and hyper-partisan.  I noticed Obama used the word invest or investments 12 times in the pandering-to-the-left speech.  When has the government invested in anything and made a profit or produced a product or service that was even close to what the free market could produce?  "Investment" is covert communist code comrade for more government spending.  Right out of the Marxism 101 handbook!

President Obama's approval rating in a recent poll had dropped to 46% until Obama's sanctioned CIA assassination of Osama bin Ladin.  Actually, it was Leon Panetta that masterminded the whole operation.  The renegade rogue President Barack Hussein Obama is rapidly turning fascist. Are concentration camps next for dissenters and freedom advocates?  Fascism is when a leader beats business people and the military into submission and then runs right over the judicial, legislative and executive branches of the government.  He is doing that right now!  Think Hitler if you want to know how Webster's dictionary defines fascism.

Remarkably, 13 states are considering legislation requiring proof of an original birth certificate before candidates are allowed to be placed on the ballot.  Tennessee is the latest, and many are well on the way to implementing the rule.

Recently, Donald Trump said he is considering a run for President.  Trump has brought up the no long-form doctor signed birth certificate issue and has been labeled a "birther" by the mainstream liberal press. 

Conversely, Jon Meacham, Random House, and co-host of the new PBS (Public Broadcasting System) show "Need to Know" came out throwing cold water on Trump.  In his "In Perspective" segment, Meacham said Barack Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961. How does he know? Was he there?   

Meacham then came out in the 4/27/2011 airing of "Need to Know" supporting a radical Obama plan requiring all contractors winning federal contracts will have to disclose what political contributions they have made.  This is Marxism.  More government intrusion is just down right fascism.  If you donated to the other political party, is your bid thrown in the trash?  Stop "Big Brother" snooping before it's too late! T he "Need to Know" program should mind their own left-wing socialist Marxist communist knitting. 

It seems "Need to Know" took over the time slot vacated in 2010 by the end of "Bill Moyers Journal."  Bill Moyers used to get absolutely giddy on his program about the ascent of big government and socialism.  Moyers was on the PBS, "Tavis Smiley" (a real left-winger) show 5/14/2011 and said Barack Hussein Obama was not a socialist.  Moyers, you are 25 percent right.  Obama is a socialist, Marxist, communist now becoming fascist by sanctioning CIA wet-work executions like that of Osama bin Ladin plus 12,000 capture/kill operations in Afghanistan by JACO in the last year as reported by "Frontline."  One such mission, apparently, killed 6 car loads of election officials.  Plus all the drone deaths he approved in Pakistan in the past few years.

Currently there is a bill pending in Washington de funding public TV and radio.  Maybe taxpayer support should be withdrawn from public TV and radio if they are going to be preaching socialism, thinly disguised communism and protecting a lying, fraudulent fascist President Obama.  It was entrepreneurs, free enterprise, private property rights, capitalism and the Constitution that made America great.  The left is trying to destroy America and make us all controlled by "Big Brother" bigger and bigger government.  I know I'm not going to donate to PBS anymore.

A new book by Jerome Corsi, "Where's The Birth Certificate", is scheduled to be released May 17, 2011.  Written before Obama's birth certificate was released on 4/28/11, it purports to have proof Obama was not "natural born."  It's already on the best seller list at

Do not re-elect President Obama, socialist/Marxist/communist - now morphing into a fascist - liar and fraud ever again. I'm serious!

If government takes away our rights to free speech, religion, assembly and press plus our right to own guns, then it's only a matter of time before a rogue, lawless government comes after our personal freedoms.  Let's not let Obama and the new-world-order bunch further ruin our Constitution.

Impeachment is probably impossible because of the Democrat majority in the Senate - even for President Obama birth certificate fraud & forgery controversy.  Don't elect tyrant Obama again!

Copyright 2011 by Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU
Use of this article allowed with attribution back to:


Impeach President Obama

Impeach President Obama Before He Makes Deflation and the Greater Depression Worse.

By Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU

New evidence is emerging that Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro is using Social Security number 042684425 linked to Harrison J. Bonuel, Connecticut (deceased) and linked to 5046 South Greenwood Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60615 - Obama's residence.

First the definition of sedition and treason:  Definition of Sedition
Sedition means disloyalty or treachery to one's country or its government.  Sedition is any act, writing, speech, etc., directed unlawfully against state authority, the government, or constitution, or calculated to bring it into contempt or to incite others to hostility, ill will or disaffection; it does not amount to treason and therefore is not a capital offense. 2.  See disloyalty.

Definition of Treason:  Treason is any attempt to overthrow the government or impair the well-being of a state to which one owes allegiance; the crime of giving aid or comfort to the enemies of one's government. 

Impeach President Obama, he is a rogue renegade out of control!  Obama's policies: 
1.   Raising our taxes.
2.   Bailing out car companies and his buddies on Wall Street.
3.   Growing size of government and the number of new regulations.
4    Spending like a drunken sailor.  His "investments" are pure pork and covert
      communist code comrade for socialist big government spending on pet projects.
5.   Shutting down all oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico       
      even though a Federal Judge ruled that unconstitutional.
6.   Weak foreign policy and even alienating Benjamin Netanyahu and
      Israel our only friend and ally in the Middle East.
7.   Obama Birth certificate forgery. fake and fraud.
8.   Unconstitutional war in Libya not sanctioned by Congress.
9.   Ramming the bloated ObamaCare (A wealth redistribution program where 16 percent
      of a free economy is put under pure socialism, rationing and the first step
      toward euthanasia) and ignoring two judges ruling it unconstitutional.
10. Ruling DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) unconstitutional - which is the Supreme
Courts job or have Congress repeal it.  Congress passed it by wide margins, by the way.
11.  Murder martyr of Osama bin Ladin - they had him why execute Osama bin Ladin?
12.  On 6/1/2011 his appointment of Jesse Lee as online media czar to "Director of
       Progressive Media and Online Response" to combat unfavorable press and help his
       2012 election campaign on the taxpayer's dime.
13.  Obama War Powers Act sedition - not getting Congress approval for the Libya war.
All are hastening deflation and the advance of deflation and the Greater Depression.  His leftist socialist agenda is trending toward communism, Marxism and now Nazi-like fascism.  ABSOLUTE OBAMA SEDITION TREASON AND TYRANNY!

The dispatch of Osama Bin Ladin has diverted attention from Obama been forging of his latest birth certificate fraud fake forgery.  If a Republican had done this much malfeasance - mark my words - he would have been tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail.  The liberal press just looks the other way while Obama continues to trample our Constitution.

The Obama birth certificate controversy forgery fake fraud continues.  See videos above from graphics designers and people who know their way around Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and CorelDraw.  Document may have been pasted up in 9 to 24 layers, whiteout used and even some numbers don't look like the others. One story says it's built on someone else's 1961 certificate found on the internet.  See the many botches on the Obama birth certificate forgery fake fraud on the following page:

The progressive socialist, communist and Marxist President Barack Hussein Obama is now being eclipsed by the Nazi fascist Obama.  A fascist beats business people and the military into submission and then runs right over the judicial and legislative and even his own executive branches of government.  Now, he's into sedition and treason.  I've got him on 6 counts of sedition (going against a nation’s judicial system, constitution as well as its other rules and regulations).  Last week (March 2011), he trumped all his other malfeasance with treason toward our troops.   Treason and sedition are pretty much the same thing, by the way.  Anyway, in the federal government funding standoff, Obama was at first threatening to veto the whole thing and put the federal government and Washington out of work.  Not once did he utter assurances to the brave men and women in the military that they would get their paychecks - no matter what.  What a mean and cruel Barack Hussein Obama.  Treason!   No leadership ability.  What a fraud.  Barack Hussein Obama is a communist operative mole as President of the United States.  Impeach Barack Hussein Obama!  ASAP!  Be sure to never elect this fraud again for any office.

All this growth of government (socialism) is making business people feel insecure.  No wonder they are not hiring. 

Obama's disobeying of U.S. District Court Judge Roger Vinson's ruling ObamaCare unconstitutional, his ruling the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional plus Obama's failure to produce a legal doctor signed long-form birth certificate require Articles of Impeachment be filed against him ASAP for the serious crime of SEDITION (20 years in jail plus fine-The Brown Act-look it up).

The short-form certification of live birth he produced appears to be done on a laser jet printer (they were done by typewriter back on August 4, 1961-Obama's birth date), it is not signed by a doctor and it is dated June 6, 2007 on the back.  The Obama birth certificate controversy fraud fake forgery continues with the release of his purported real long-form doctor-signed birth certificate on 5/26/2011.  It is totally bogus and a forgery.
See article at this website with 6 videos by graphics experts as they prove it is fraudulent.

Obama has spent over $1 million blocking citizen lawsuits seeking to force him to prove his place of birth and that he is truly a “Natural Born Citizen.”   WHICH HE IS NOT!  Obama is either a British or an Indonesian citizen.

Our Constitution and our liberty hang in the balance.  If we don't all hang together on this we will all hang separately as a totalitarian government takes more and more control of our lives and those of our children and children’s, children.  Think Hitler and Mussolini! 

Sedition is the going apart or against a countries rules, regulations, judicial system and constitution.  "...prevent hinder or delay the execution of any law of the United States" the parties doing so it can be argued have engaged in a Seditious Conspiracy. Sedition carries a 20 year jail term and fine and for sure impeachment.  Treason can have death sentence.

Our founding fathers put safeguards in the Constitution to prevent another kingdom, aristocracy or dictatorship.  Guess what Barack Hussein Obama is trying to do?  Make us buy his health care only or be fined and possibly go to prison if we don't.  Last year, Federal Judge Henry Hudsen ruled that the health care act was actually a tax. Obama had maintained that it was not a tax.  Liar! 

Now, Judge Roger Vinson has ruled the individual mandate part of ObamaCare unconstitutional.  The individual mandate is the requiring of us to buy only government health insurance and be fined if we don't buy it.  Since there was no severability clause in the act, the whole Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – ObamaCare - is unconstitutional.  The Leftist Democrats were in such a rush to grow the size of government (health care is 16 % of our economy) they forgot to ad a severability clause saying if one part of the bill was found to be unconstitutional the rest of the bill would continue. 

The United States Constitution does not force us to do something that we were not already doing.  ObamaCare also exceeds Congress' interstate commerce powers.  Judge Vinson bravely followed long standing precedent and centuries of case law in making his ruling.  Everything this socialist Marxist totalitarian Obama does is tyranny.  

This is his fifth sedition by my count.  The first is his refusal to furnish a legal long-form certificate of live birth and thereby prove he is really a U.S. citizen.  The second was his defiance of a Federal Court order ruling he could not declare a drilling moratorium during the gulf oil well leak disaster. Obama ignored the judge and stopped all drilling in the gulf putting thousands of U.S. citizens out of work in the process.  Now, Obama is directly disobeying another Federal Judge over the ObamaCare unconstitutional ruling.  In February 2011, Obama in collusion with is Attorney General ruled the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional.  That's the Supreme Courts job.  Now, he is going back on his word to close the Guantanimo, Cuba terrorist prison and declaring war against Libya without complying with the War Powers Act and Resolution.  President Obama Sedition!

No matter how bad deflation and the Greater Depression get in the coming years, we had better protect our Constitution or we will lose all our freedom and liberty.

“As government expands - liberty contracts” by Ronald Reagan

Impeach FASCIST Obama - a fraud, liar, seditionist and now treasonous!

Sign an impeach Obama petition at

Copyright 2011 by Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU
Use of this article allowed with attribution back to:


President Obama Treason

President Obama Treason

By Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU

First the definition of sedition and treason:

Definition of Sedition
Sedition  means disloyalty or treachery to one's country or its government.  Sedition is any act, writing, speech, etc., directed unlawfully against state authority, the government, or constitution, or calculated to bring it into contempt or to incite others to hostility, ill will or disaffection; it does not amount to treason and therefore is not a capital offense. 2.  See disloyalty.

Definition of Treason
Treason  is any attempt to overthrow the government or impair the well-being of a state to which one owes allegiance; the crime of giving aid or comfort to the enemies of one's government. Sedition  is any act, writing, speech, etc., directed unlawfully against state authority, the government, or constitution, or calculated to bring it into contempt or to incite others to hostility, ill will or disaffection; it does not amount to treason and therefore is not a capital offense. 2.  See disloyalty.


Webster's Dictionary defines treason as, "Disloyalty toward one's own country."   Men and women serving valiantly in the American armed forces were hearing President Obama threatened to veto the current Republican drafted one week government funding extension bill that also guarantees they would get their paychecks through the end of the year and cuts 38 billion of spending.   President Obama  has committed treason by having the armed forces worry about paying their bills and housing payments is mean and cruel.  A good leader should be bolstering troops moral.  Instead, he and the Democrats were playing some game to make Republicans look bad to try to win brownie points for his 2012 election chances.  It's an example of his total contempt for the military.  He has not uttered one word assuring the troops will get their pay even if the government were to shut down.  Bogus!

In past U.S. government funding stalemates, both President Reagan and President Clinton had the intestinal fortitude to make sure the military got paid.  A U.S. President as Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces does not need congressional approval to pay personnel deemed "essential."   Even the whiff of his hesitation in putting their minds at ease stinks of treason, ingenuousness and poor leadership ability.  Our brave men and women out there in-harms-way in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the shores of Tripoli don't need more stress.

President Obama tyranny has gone from first lies, fraud and deceit to sedition and now - treason.  Is this guy even a citizen?  Sedition is conspiring against the laws, rules and regulations of a country.  SEDITION IS TREASON!  President Obama sedition counts:
1.  Refusing to furnish a valid long-form birth certificate and proof he is a natural citizen and now, 4/27/2011, Obama has released one clearly computer generated with many obvious fakes and is without an embossed hospital seal (See: 
2.  Not complying with a U.S. Judges order that Obama's categorically shutting down all drilling rigs in the Gulf of Mexico during the BP oil well leak was unconstitutional. 
3.  Not complying with a U.S. Judges finding ObamaCare unconstitutional. 
4.  Declaring along with Attorney General Holder that The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is unconstitutional.  This is the Supreme Court's job - or else let's have Congress repeal the mean-spirited law. 
5.  Declaring war in Libya (Article 1, Section 8. clause 11 of the Constitution - the power to declare war rests solely with Congress).   Obama conspired with foreign diplomats in this matter.  So, he is really a foreign agent.  President Obama treason and sedition continues!
6.  Sanctioning the killing of Osama bin Ladin.  Why wet work?

President Obama treason and sedition continues!

Impeach President Obama before he ruins the Constitution more!

The first article of impeachment is President Obama sedition and violation of his oath of office to uphold the Constitution.  The second article of impeachment is treason against the United States for committing high crimes and misdemeanors in usurping the exclusive prerogative of Congress to declare war and again, his failure to uphold his oath of office to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

President Obama has gone from a leftist/socialist to a Marxist/communist to now - a Nazi fascist demigod.  Fascism is when a leader bashes businesses and the military into submission and then runs roughshod over the judicial and legislative branches of government.  Just like he is doing right now.

Big brother Barack Obama and his bunch of statists and Anglo financial power elitists want America to get wrapped up around the axle.  They want to take your freedom and liberty.  They want a one-world-government/new-world order where we are told what to do, where to work, what to say and what to think.  Impeach this SEDITIONIST Barack Hussein Obama for TREASON.  ASAP!

Copyright 2011 by Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU
Use of this article allowed with attribution back to:



President Obama Treason

President Obama Treason

By Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU

First the definition of sedition and treason:

Definition of Sedition
Sedition  means disloyalty or treachery to one's country or its government.  Sedition is any act, writing, speech, etc., directed unlawfully against state authority, the government, or constitution, or calculated to bring it into contempt or to incite others to hostility, ill will or disaffection; it does not amount to treason and therefore is not a capital offense. 2.  See disloyalty.

Definition of Treason
Treason  is any attempt to overthrow the government or impair the well-being of a state to which one owes allegiance; the crime of giving aid or comfort to the enemies of one's government. Sedition  is any act, writing, speech, etc., directed unlawfully against state authority, the government, or constitution, or calculated to bring it into contempt or to incite others to hostility, ill will or disaffection; it does not amount to treason and therefore is not a capital offense. 2.  See disloyalty.


Webster's Dictionary defines treason as, "Disloyalty toward one's own country."   Men and women serving valiantly in the American armed forces were hearing President Obama threatened to veto the current Republican drafted one week government funding extension bill that also guarantees they would get their paychecks through the end of the year and cuts 38 billion of spending.   President Obama  has committed treason by having the armed forces worry about paying their bills and housing payments is mean and cruel.  A good leader should be bolstering troops moral.  Instead, he and the Democrats were playing some game to make Republicans look bad to try to win brownie points for his 2012 election chances.  It's an example of his total contempt for the military.  He has not uttered one word assuring the troops will get their pay even if the government were to shut down.  Bogus!

In past U.S. government funding stalemates, both President Reagan and President Clinton had the intestinal fortitude to make sure the military got paid.  A U.S. President as Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces does not need congressional approval to pay personnel deemed "essential."   Even the whiff of his hesitation in putting their minds at ease stinks of treason, ingenuousness and poor leadership ability.  Our brave men and women out there in-harms-way in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the shores of Tripoli don't need more stress.

President Obama tyranny has gone from first lies, fraud and deceit to sedition and now - treason.  Is this guy even a citizen?  Sedition is conspiring against the laws, rules and regulations of a country.  SEDITION IS TREASON!  President Obama sedition counts:
1.  Refusing to furnish a valid long-form birth certificate and proof he is a natural citizen and now, 4/27/2011, Obama has released one clearly computer generated with many obvious fakes and is without an embossed hospital seal (See: 
2.  Not complying with a U.S. Judges order that Obama's categorically shutting down all drilling rigs in the Gulf of Mexico during the BP oil well leak was unconstitutional. 
3.  Not complying with a U.S. Judges finding ObamaCare unconstitutional. 
4.  Declaring along with Attorney General Holder that The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is unconstitutional.  This is the Supreme Court's job - or else let's have Congress repeal the mean-spirited law. 
5.  Declaring war in Libya (Article 1, Section 8. clause 11 of the Constitution - the power to declare war rests solely with Congress).   Obama conspired with foreign diplomats in this matter.  So, he is really a foreign agent.  President Obama treason and sedition continues!
6.  Sanctioning the killing of Osama bin Ladin.  Why wet work?

President Obama treason and sedition continues!

Impeach President Obama before he ruins the Constitution more!

The first article of impeachment is President Obama sedition and violation of his oath of office to uphold the Constitution.  The second article of impeachment is treason against the United States for committing high crimes and misdemeanors in usurping the exclusive prerogative of Congress to declare war and again, his failure to uphold his oath of office to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

President Obama has gone from a leftist/socialist to a Marxist/communist to now - a Nazi fascist demigod.  Fascism is when a leader bashes businesses and the military into submission and then runs roughshod over the judicial and legislative branches of government.  Just like he is doing right now.

Big brother Barack Obama and his bunch of statists and Anglo financial power elitists want America to get wrapped up around the axle.  They want to take your freedom and liberty.  They want a one-world-government/new-world order where we are told what to do, where to work, what to say and what to think.  Impeach this SEDITIONIST Barack Hussein Obama for TREASON.  ASAP!

Copyright 2011 by Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU
Use of this article allowed with attribution back to:



Osama bin Ladin Unarrmed When Killed

Osama bin Laden Unarmed When Killed

By Delwyn Lounsbury – THE DEFLATION GURU
Osama bin Laden unarmed when killed the Whitehouse disclosed.  He was killed in a fortress like home just one mile away from the Pakistan Military Academy by a crack combined contingent of navy seals and CIA agents. Already the debate has heated up about the use of lethal force on terrorist suspects outside of a war zone. President Obama’s sanctioning the unleashing the dogs-of-war to martyr Osama bin Laden along with the many deadly drone attacks all over the Islamic nation of Pakistan are instances of U.S. using extrajudicial forces without congressional approval or even approval of the nation in which they are deployed. It’s a violation of conventional international conduct. 

"Thou shalt not kill" is still one of the 10 COMANDMENTS last time I looked.  Now we get an atom bomb attack on one of our cities in retribution.  What a mistake!  I have had a hornet's nest theory since the Vietnam era. Stiring a hornet's nest up just gets the hornets madder.  Doesn't it?  Same with people.  Just like Vietnam.  Did they give up or fight even harder?

Bill Moyers, a socialist, was on the PBS, "Tavis Smiley" (a real left-winger) show 5/14/2011 and said Barack Hussein Obama was not a socialist.  Moyers, you are 25 percent right.  Obama is a socialist, Marxist, communist now becoming fascist by sanctioning CIA wet-work executions like that of Osama bin Ladin.  Plus, he has approved 12,000 capture/kill operations in Afghanistan by JACO in the last year as reported by "Frontline."  One such mission, apparently, killed 6 car loads of election officials. 

How many drone deaths is President Obama responsible for in Pakistan in the past few years?  The unmanned seeing-eye bomb carrying death planes indiscriminately kill whoever is in the targeted house. I wonder how many women and children the drones have killed while targeting terrorists?  With the dispatching of Osama bin Laden, I hope radical Muslim terrorists get the message that no matter how long it takes the U.S. will get you. Let’s stop throwing money down a dry hole in the sand with all these oil wars. They will only make the deflation and coming GREATER DEPRESSION worse. 

The dispatch of Osama Bin Ladin has diverted attention from Obama been forgin’. If a Republican had done this much malfeasance - mark my words - he would have been tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail. The liberal press just looks the other way while the renegade rogue President Obama tramps all over our Constitution. It appears the birth certificate he released may have been pasted up in 8 plus layers. The forger forgot to merge them before saving and sending the forgery. This can be easily seen using Adobe Illustrator. What an idiot. In addition, whiteout was used and even different typefaces and paper overlays are apparent. There are so many bogus botches on the Obama birth certificate forgery fake fraud that I put up a 12 item list & 5 videos done by expert graphics designers showing proof at my website.

I have a bone to pick with Obama (and Bush) about not doing something about the growing of opium poppies in neighboring Afghanistan. Barack Hussein Obama while a candidate for the Presidency promised to put a stop to all the opium poppy cultivation. Nothing has been done. Afghani opium and heroin spreads a worldwide bad karma stench of crime, greed, addiction, death, broken homes and broken lives. In Afghanistan itself, opium funds the purchase of weapons that Taliban and al-Qaeda warlords use against our troops. Both George W. Bush and Obama could have weaned the stupid country off this evil plant by now. We have had near total control of the country for 10 years and it’s still the biggest producer of heroin in the world. Get the Clergy to make it against their Shariah law and religion.

The Islamic religion has immense power. They cut off one’s ones hand if he steals and they stone to death a woman for merely eloping. Shariah law won't even let a widow keep her children if she remarries. The kids go the deceased husband’s brother’s families.  So, the widow stays single in order to keep her children.  Women have almost no freedom in the Islamic/Muslim world.  Absolute Stone Age mentality.  Stop the insanity.  Stop the wars!  Stop the Islamic Jihad.  Stop the Muslim Brotherhood.

PS  With the execution of Osama bin Ladin attention has been diverted from the Obama birth certificate forgery fraud fake controversy.  See six videos as proof by graphics experts and

Copyright 2011 by Delwyn Lounsbury – THE DEFLATION GURU
Use of this article allowed with attribution back to:


President Obama Sedition

President Obama Sedition Continues As ObamaCare Is Ruled Unconstitutional

By Delwyn Lounbury - THE DEFLATION GURU
First the definition of sedition and treason:

Definition of Sedition
Sedition  means disloyalty or treachery to one's country or its government.  Sedition is any act, writing, speech, etc., directed unlawfully against state authority, the government, or constitution, or calculated to bring it into contempt or to incite others to hostility, ill will or disaffection; it does not amount to treason and therefore is not a capital offense. 2.  See disloyalty.

Definition of Treason
Treason  is any attempt to overthrow the government or impair the well-being of a state to which one owes allegiance; the crime of giving aid or comfort to the enemies of one's government. Sedition  is any act, writing, speech, etc., directed unlawfully against state authority, the government, or constitution, or calculated to bring it into contempt or to incite others to hostility, ill will or disaffection; it does not amount to treason and therefore is not a capital offense. 2.  See disloyalty.

a href="">President-Obama-Sedition</a> continues over the ObamaCare unconstitutional ruling and his refusal to furnish a birth certificate along with proof that he is actually a United States citizen.

The word sedition comes from Middle English, sedicion, and Old French, seditio. It meant a going apart. Now days, sedition is a going against the government's rules and constitution. It is a serious charge. Mark Levin, the news talk radio host said on 2/3/2011 that he had never used the word sedition before in all his years on radio. He is using it now. Big time!

A federal district judge appointed by Ronald Reagan, Justice Roger Vinson, of the U.S. District Court in Pensacola, Florida ruled, 1/31/2011, that the thinking behind the 2700 page, $938 billion dollar health bill passed last year - the individual mandate part - is illegal. The individual mandate is the forcing of us to join ObamaCare and be fined and possibly go to prison if we don't.

The United States Constitution does not force us to do something that we were not already doing. ObamaCare also exceeds Congress' commerce power between states. This is exactly why the Boston Tea Party led to the American Revolution from England. Forcing citizens to do or not to do something or which religion to follow was prohibited by our nation’s founders for good reason. The states were to decide their own laws. The constitution was carefully worded to prevent a future kingdom, aristocracy or dictatorship. Let's stop this Obama Administration from going from lies, to sedition, to treason then tyranny before it's too late!

Because the left-wing statist Democrats had not put a severability clause in the bloated bill (let alone read the thing); the whole thing is void. Severability clauses are put into legislation language so if one part of the law is held to be unconstitutional the rest stands and continues. Right! You heard me. The entire Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - ObamaCare -  was ruled unconstitutional.  Judge Roger Vinson bravely followed long standing precedent and centuries of case law in his ruling.

Judge Vinson wrote, "Because the individual mandate is unconstitutional and not severable, the entire Act must be declared void...This has been a difficult decision to reach, and I am aware that it will have indeterminable implications..."

These socialists were so intent on growing the size of government they forgot this important clause. Democrat Nancy Pelosi, then Speaker of the House, is on record saying to pass the bill so we can find out what's in it. This is an example of the total disregard they have of the citizens of this country and our constitution. Last year U.S. Judge Henry Hudson had found that to force citizens to buy only government insurance and then fine them if they didn't was actually a tax. President Obama has consistently maintained that it was not a tax. Liar!
President Obama, Kathleen Sebelius (Secretary of Health and Human Services), the Internal Revenue Service and many individual states are still staffing up and acting as if this law remains in full force and effect. Plaintiffs should be seeking an injunction along with a contempt of court citation against them soon. Let's lobby our representatives to get going on this.

"The Executive's willful, intentional and publicly-stated refusal to honor a declaratory judgment is an open act of willful and intentional violation of The Separation Of Powers In The Constitution and, if combined with the use of or threat of use of force as is always present when government coercion is employed, treads awfully close to the line, and may cross it..."

(of USC Ch 115 Sec 2384), to wit: SEDITION

"If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United states, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both."

So, the exercise of power by the Executive and Judicial Branch, under which the Internal Revenue and Health and Human Services both operate, inherently constitutes the use of force.

When such is used to "prevent, hinder or delay the execution of any law of the United States" - the parties that have done so, it can be argued, have engaged in a Seditious Conspiracy.

The Obama Administration needs to stand down and cease or file an appeal that seeks a stay. If they don't stop and wait for that stay to be granted they are guilty of sedition.

Obama should either comply or appeal. Instead, it seems, The White House is going to intentionally disobey the court. President Obama's willful and intentional refusal to abide by a court decision is tyranny and is cause for immediate filing of Articles of Impeachment against him.

This is President Barack Hussein Obama's third sedition. The first is his refusal to provide a valid birth certificate and proof that he is in fact a U.S. Citizen. He has spent over a million dollars in legal fees fighting and blocking those seeking the truth in this matter. If he is found not to be a citizen then none of the legislation he signed is valid. The second was his defiance of a Federal Court order ruling he could not declare a drilling moratorium during the gulf oil well leak disaster. Obama ignored the judge putting thousands of U.S. citizens out of work in the process.

No matter how bad the deflation and Greater Depression get in the coming years, we had better protect our Constitution or we will lose our freedom and liberty. <a href="">Impeach</a> this seditionist and treasonist Barack Hussein Obama! ASAP

Copyright 2011 by Delwyn Lounsbury – THE DEFLATION GURU
Use of this article allowed with attribution back to:

ObamaCare Unconstitutional

ObamaCare Unconstitutional

By Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU

A Florida federal judge, Justice Roger Vinson of the U.S. District Court in Pensacola, Florida ruled, 1/31/2011, that the thinking behind the 2300 page, $938 billion health reform bill passed last year - the individual mandate - is illegal. You heard me - the entire Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - ObamaCare unconstitutional. Typically, they put a severability clause in legislation so that if one part of the law is held to be unconstitutional the rest stands. Guess what! They didn't put in that clause. Judge Roger Vinson bravely followed long standing precedent and centuries of case law in ruling ObamaCare unconstitutional.

Justice Vinson wrote, "Because the individual mandate is unconstitutional and not severable, the entire Act must be declared void.. This has been a difficult decision to reach, and I am aware that it will have indeterminable implications..."

There was a similar ruling by Judge Henry Hudson in Virginia last year and 26 states have joined in a suit seeking to overturn the bloated bill that would take 16 percent of the American economy and put it under historically inefficient governmental control.

Judge Henry Hudson in an earlier ruling had found that to force citizens to buy only government insurance and then fine them if they didn't was actually a tax. President Obama has consistently maintained that it was not a tax. Liar!

The United States Constitution does not force someone to do something they were not already doing. "It would be a radical departure from existing case law to hold that Congress can limit inactivity under the Commerce Clause... Everyone must participate in the food market...under this logic, Congress could (mandate) that every adult purchase and consume wheat bread daily. If they didn't buy wheat bread they might have a bad diet which would put a strain on the health care system," Vinson writes.

Then he gave another analogy, "Congress could require that everyone above a certain income threshold buy a General Motors automobile - now partially government owned - because those who do not by GM cars (or those who buy foreign cars) are adversely impacting commerce and a taxpayer-subsidized business. The individual mandate exceeds Congress' commerce power, as it is understood, defined and applied in the existing Supreme Court case law."

U.S. Representative Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyoming) issued this, "A federal judge in Florida confirmed today what I have been hearing all over Wyoming - President Obama's budget-busting health care law simply does not pass constitutional muster. The ObamaCare mandate, which is central to the President's health care law, represents an unprecedented overreach that encroaches on the rights guaranteed to all Americans under the Constitution. Today's ruling hit the bull's-eye."

Next step is for the case to go the Supreme Court where Justice Anthony Kennedy is the swing vote. This probably won't happen in 2011 and the mandate element of this unconstitutional ObamaCare doesn't kick in until 2014. There is still time for you to lobby against the Obama administration tyranny. President Obama has appointed two left leaning judges recently to the Supreme Court of our land.  Judge Elana Kagan did her college thesis on how great socialism is.

What if you were a young person struggling to start a business and made the decision to not pay to join the unconstitutional ObamaCare because you needed every cent to keep it going? You would be fined plus have to pay the policy. Dark ages all over again! Is debtor prison next?

The Obamacare health reform act congress just passed threatens to put 16% of a free market economy under government control.  When, I ask you, has the government run anything better or more efficiently than free enterprise? Never!  I do admit health care reform is needed.  However, the 2,300 page act does not even address the real issues like:  1. Tort reform (limit the amount and damages in lawsuits).  2. Let health insurance companies sell policies across state lines and country boundaries to increase competition.  3. Make it easier and less expensive to get drugs approved by FDA.  4. Other cost saving ideas like streamlining FDA drug and new medical procedure approval.  There is bound to be health care rationing in a down economy.  There are just too many baby boomers getting older and needing healthcare.  A superior court judge just ruled that Obamacare is actually a tax.  Socialist Obama wants more people on the dole and reliant on big government.  He is in the process of killing the best health care system on earth.

ObamaCare was just ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge.  President Obama is not doing anything about the ruling.  This is sedition - not following your government's constitution and rules.  This is his second sedition with the first one being his refusal to furnish his birth certificate and proof of citizenship.  Don't you think you would be required to show proof of citizenship if you ran for the Presidency?  Obama has spent over a million dollars in attorney fees fighting 

There is bound to be health care rationing in a deflation economy and Greater Depression. Reduced property, sales, income and capital gains tax revenues due to the downturn will hurt city, county and state government the most since they cannot print money. The U.S. government will, however, be stressed to the max in a depression three times as large and three times longer than the 1930's depression. Plan on it! This will lead to long lines, long waits and denial of service because of age. The economic reality of deflation and the Greater Depression will cause governments at all levels to tighten their belts.

As of 2/20/2011, 3 state governors have publicly stated that their state will not implement ObamaCare, Florida, Wisconsin and now Governor Parnell of Alaska.

The Justice Department, apparently prompted by the Parnell statement, has filed court papers with Judge Vinson, asking that the court to clarify that the original judgment "does not relieve the parties of their rights and obligations under the Affordable Care Act."

No matter how bad the deflation economy and Greater Depression gets we need to protect out Constitution from being further eroded by statist socialist subterfuge if we want any freedom and liberty at all. Free enterprise is the only system that works. President Obama policies of monetary stimulus, government regulation, increased taxes and bashing business will only make the Greater Depression worse. Government run Medicare and Medicaid are already projected to bankrupt our whole country as all the baby boomers retire, live longer and have health issues. Don't let them do this ObamaCare unconstitutional dirty-work. Stop the government power-grab!

President Barack Hussein Obama is declaring a federal law unconstitutional rather than respect the rule of law, the Judicial branch of our government and the Constitution.

The Constitution is not silent on President Obama’s actions.
Article II, Section I of the Constitution is the presidential oath of office says as follows:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”  Barack Hussein. Obama took that oath — twice — on January 20, 2009.  Also, Article II, Section III is clear on the president’s relationship to US law.  "The president] shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed..."

President Obama committed sedition by not putting ObamaCare on hold until this constitutionality issue is decided by the Supreme Court.  Now, we are learning $105 billion dollars of hidden up front funding to implement the act has already been appropriated.  Taxpayer’s money spent with no debate, discussion or over site.  Michelle Bauchman, Minnesota Tea Party elected member of the House of Representatives says:  "President Obama is a gangster of government, anti-American, an enemy of job creation, and that Obamacare is an enemy of humanity."  The Tea Party is a broad based coalition of Republican, Democrat and independent Americans that want to stop the insane government spending and stop raising the debt ceiling.

President Obama recently directed the Attorney General's office to quit defending the Defense of Marriage Act in states that have passed laws allowing same-sex marriage.  This is a duly enacted law of the land.  Who is he to take over the judicial branch's job and decree a law unconstitutional?  This is just more Obama sedition.  Does this mean when Obama loses the 2012 election the next President can just call ObamaCare unconstitutional?  At least a federal judge has already ruled that it is.  Impeach this fraud Barack Hussein Obama before he completely ruins our Constitution, our economy and takes all away all our liberties and freedoms.  Let's see his long-form original birth certificate.  He is acting like a communist double agent on some fascist jihad to kill American Liberty.

Now we are learning Congress will not allow an increase in the social security COLA  (cost of living  adjustment).   However, the per person monthly Medicare insurance premium will be increased from the 2009 premium of $96.40 to $104.20 in 2010, $120.20 for the year 2011 and yearly increases will step up to $247 in 2014.

ObamaCare is unconstitutional and socialism and will lead to rationing of health care.  You can count on it!

Copyright 2011 by Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU
Use of this article allowed with attribution back to: